Knight and Hale, Big Thumbs Up


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I tried several goose calls but wasnt really happy with them. After returning probably 3 different calls to Bass Pro I finally bought a Knight and Hale Pit Boss.

Got the call home, watched the video and gave it a try. Good call, easy to use, and sounded great considering the user! I took the call out the first time hopeing some geese would come to our duck pond. Sure enough some Canada Geese came over. I blew the call but was met with no resistance. After inspection I realized the internals were gone. I hadnt checked them and apparently they were loose. I did find one reed but the rest was MIA. I was in Tall grass so it was impossible to find.

I sent an email to Knight and Hale asking to buy new reeds and such. Their customer service was incredible! She got my address and a few short days, and one FedEx Delivery later I have a brand new Pit Boss!

I fessed up that the lost parts was indeed my fault for not double checking the call but the good folks at Knight and Hale apparently care about their customers! ;)

You always hear about poor customer service... this was very generous of Knight and Hale and I wanted to be sure they got the recognition they deserved. :cool2::clap:

Many thanks K&H, many thanks...

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Always nice to hear about good customer service. Nothing worse than a company not giving two hoots about the product you spend hard earned dollars on. As long as they got the money in their pockets that's all they care about. Obviously not the case with Knight and Hale, I have a couple of their calls and they sound great!

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