Time for a Walmart Rant:


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I went to Walmart to buy a bottle of Nyquil. Of course when I scan it at the self check out line the little computer doohicky says approval needed. So I stand there waiting on the "trained" employee to come assist. After a few seconds I look over and she is filing her nails or something, really couldn't tell but she surely wasn't paying attention. So I say "Mam" and she slowly makes her way over. She asks for my id so I give her my drivers license, which happened to expire yesterday. After asking me what date it was she said "I can't take this." I felt my ears getting red and was trying my best to hold my composure. I then say, this ain't the freakin DPS its Walmart and the expiration date has nothing to do with my age, its not like my age expired yesterday. She didn't offer an explanation (which I'm sure she didn't even know why she couldn't take an expired license) and says with somewhat of an attitude "You wanna talk ta sumbody?" Yea I do. So then another lady comes over and explains to me why they can't accept an expired license, of course she used some lingo that I didn't understand. Again I try to emphasize that it has nothing to do with my age, I'm still 30 years old (which made my ears even redder having to admit) but nonetheless I walked out of grand ol Walmart without the nyquil, ears and face on fire and composure in balance. Thanks Walmart.

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They card for that stuff now because people use it to manufacture methanphetamine. Not saying what they did was right, but that's why they carded you I think.

I understand that fully. Didn't mind getting carded at all. What I don't understand is what did my DL being expired have to do with it? That has nothing to do with my age, which is what the machine needed verified.

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Funny Corey!

In ms now all pseudoephedrine meds are strictly Rx now. I even had to give my ss# last week WITH a rx for bromfed for my daughter. Kinda p*ssed me off cuz i didnt have her ss# and the lady sorta made me feel like i was cheating the system. But guess what? Kids get carded at wally-world to buy spray paint and slingshots too!

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Last time I bought nyquil was from wal mart sometime last year, they did not card me, guess I look old.:rolleyes:

Suppose with all the meth labs, stores having policies and sticking to them may not necessarily be such a bad thing. Of course common sense with a lot of things anymore is seeming to be less and less common.;)

Got a few wal mart rants I could post, but not gonna hijack your thread here.

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That's still crazy. The verification is to verify your age, it's not as if they are taking a picture of your license to submit, are they? What if you had brought your birth certificate? Your age is still your age.


A valid or invalid ID has nothing to do with age. The machine was asking for age verification, which my birth date is on my DL. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what 2011-1981 equals. It's a dumb law and I totally disagree with it.

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People can make really good fake IDs with expired licenses that other folks give them. Its saving their tail as well as the companys to not even consider letting someone with an expired ID or license to purchase anything that needs age approval. Try going and buying beer with an expired ID that follows the law about ID purchases. You wont be able to purchase.

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I guess it's a good thing you didn't raise too much of a stink at WalMart.

She could have called the cops and had them wait for you. You could have gotten a ticket for driving with an expired license. That would have really made your day.

Did you already renew it, or you still driving on an expired license?

Just kidding.


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Well they just have to follow the rules and policies...A pain in the butt for you, I agree, but they have to abide the rules they have. Same thing for my job...we have a policy for example, no one under 16 can go into a pt.'s room...I hate to have to do it but sometimes I have to go up and tell a family who brings in their 5 year old "Sorry, no one under under 16. We have a policy, it's to help prevent transmission of any diseases, etc..." I don't like being the mean guy but it's necessary in some cases. I try to be nice about it though.

BTW I find getting old isn't all that bad...The older I get, the more I can look back at all I've learned and done:)

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i agree with ruth. plain old policies to follow. tou could also have been a plant trying to see if they would break the rules and let you check out. who knows for sure. sorry, but the walmart people did what they had to do. as was mentioned already, if you'd gone to a regular check person they would most likely not have asked for a drivers license.

on the bright side, if that was the worst thing that happened to you that day, it was a pretty good day overall. except for the sick part where you needed nyquil. i hope your're better now.

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