We Put The Hurt On Them...


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My buddies Devin and Kyle showed up this afternoon for a short bunny hunt. We had 5 bunnies on the ground and passed up on 2 or 3 other ones in less than an hour of hunting. :cool:

I got the first one as it ran to my right. Kyle got the 2nd one, then it was Devin's turn (taking 3 shells to kill it, I might add). As Devin picked his up and headed back towards me he kicked out another one and it ran down towards Kyle. Kyle put a nice shot on that one as we got to the end of the 3rd field. We talked for a bit and decided that even though we had only been out there for a few minutes, we had enough in the bag to keep us happy. On the way back, I walked the fenceline and just about immediately jumped another one. I passed on that one, but about 100 yards later we jumped 3 more. Devin passed on one or 2 more, but Kyle kept shooting, :gunsmilie: and actually ran out of shells. While reloading, another one buzzed by him and he shot it for his 3rd bunny of the day. :D

5 bunnies with a few more to get and a couple more weeks to do it. I know y'all are going to want to see pics, but you'll have to wait and see if Devin dowloads them, as I didn't take any this time. :camera:

It was fun fellers, hope you can make it out before season ends.

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Rabbit season has been really good in Virginia and stays open until the 28th of this month. My Beagles have been really smokn this year. I had a couple of really young dogs last year that have really come into thier own this year. My son is 8 and I don't even take a gun anymore, he handles all the shooting. He likes to deer hunt but he "LOVES" to rabbit and squirrel hunt.

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