Gas prices jump?


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Passed a Mobil station this am leaving for work at read $3.65(reg unleaded)...on the way home it read $3.75.

Are we spoiled being used to cheaper gas prices>


as such large consumers we should have a larger discount and pay less?

With everything going up up up people have no more wiggle room to live.

I gas up in New Jersey(bordering state) and pay about 40 cents less per gallon. I paid 3.24 for 89 this very morning, could have have paid 3.12 for regular. But I get better mileage with the 89.

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Same here. It was 3.19 this morning and 3.25 tonight. I say get the oil and food commodities off of the stock exchange. The speculation on what isn't counted as inflationary is ridiculous. Time for looking out for people instead some fat pocket. Amazing how fast BP turned back to the black after the Gulf spill isn't it?

Puts the kabosh on any extra curricular activity fo sure..

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And whenever you exchange any currency, whether it be at a bank teller or via debit or credit card, the banks always nail you with another 2.5% admin fee. So in reality, if you're using US currency in Canada (today), it will cost you $1.055 US for every Loonie.


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Yes sir you are correct.

A recession? I am thinking more along the lines of a full blown depression!

Like it or not, make all the excuses you want, the fact remains we are dependant on oil in this country and it isn't going to change anytime soon.

When will our leaders figure this out and help us fix the problem?


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I sense the beginning of a recession.

$3.26 for regular today

recession?? what are you talking about? didn't you hear obama claim the recession is over and recovery has started, 21 months ago??? pay attention, man!

the sad thing is, that was true. the fact is, this is life as the new normal. the liberals have us right where they want us, and going down. it's calles socialism. and let's not forget that obama said he's comfortable with rising gas prices and expects $12.00 a gallon gas before long. his words, not mine.

so, how's that hope & change thing working out for you?

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4 to 5 months ago I bought a diesel powered pickup, as diesel was selling here at $99.9/litre, $0.05 less per litre than gasoline prices and mpg ratings for diesel were considerably more than it's gasoline counterparts.

4 months later, and diesel is now at $1.25/litre (a 25% hike at the pumps in 1/3 of a year) and gasoline is $1.20/litre (gas is now $0.05 less than diesel). Gasoline has risen 12.5% in the same period that diesel has hiked 25%.

I was always led to believe that diesel was a less refined fuel than gasoline, so I expected that it cost less to produce. Just think at how hard hit the trucking industry is getting nailed with these kind of price inceases for diesel fuel.

$1.25/L = $5.69 cdn/Imp gal = $5.00 US/US gal (@ 1.055 exchange rate)


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Most stations around here are above $3.449 now.

Recession, don't believe we have come out of it, afraid some folks up in Washington are trying to string along those that will still fall for their bs hype or uhhh I mean hope. Inflation is on its way to surpass Jimmy Carter levels.

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Most stations around here are above $3.449 now.

Recession, don't believe we have come out of it, afraid some folks up in Washington are trying to string along those that will still fall for their bs hype or uhhh I mean hope. Inflation is on its way to surpass Jimmy Carter levels.

i agree, arty. i've said before and i'll say it again. Jimmy Carter is one of the few folks totally happy with obam. now, he'll not go down in history as our dumbest, worst president.

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