worse possible luck


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I have had some pretty bad luck in my life which I get from my dad especially when it comes to deer hunting. Turns out that this weekend would be the summary of my life as far as bad luck is concerned. I went home this weekend to shed hunt for the first time this year. All the snow that we got from Thurs night had melted away Fri here at Macomb. I drove home near jacksonville IL and they still have 2 in of snow making it dang hard and worthless Sat to go shed hunting but I go anyways with no luck. Finally though the night it rains and melts all of the snow. My two youngest sisters who are 9 today, her birthday, and 12 decide they want to shed hunt with me for the first time with my dad and Parkergirl. We go to a 50 acre patch of timber that produces about a dozen sheds every year. Instead of doing my usual pattern and starting on the far NW corner of the timber I started on the SW. I did this because of my sisters and I would have had to walk in a very muddy field to get to that corner. We walk about half of the brushy timber and my sisters are ready to go home because they are tired and it is thundering and lightning. I reluctantly say ok but not before I take the 4 wheeler for a pass on the NW corner which is where I have had the most luck in the past. I stop where there is this 1 foot creek and head home because at this point it is starting to rain and they want to go home. I wake up this morning back at school from a close friend that works as a janitor at the high school and he tells me I screwed up yesterday badly shed hunting. I kid went out for the first time yesterday and found a match set of a 12 pt with 15 in tines:jaw:. This deer is supposed to score 200 so he says because he got to see them because the kid brought them to school. Worse part is is that he found them not 15 yrds way on the other side of the little creek were I stopped. Even worse this is the same kid that we chased off our land last spring for turkey hunting with no permission. He had permission to shed hunt the property where the antlers were found but it doesn't make me feel any better. How is that for luck:hammer2::hammer2::hammer2::hammer2:

I had to blow some steam off thanks for listening

I don't have pictures but if get some I will post them

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Too bad you did not find them, but sounds like you have had great luck there in the past. Far as the kid goes, think keeping him away with knowing the monster is there may be an issue.

In regards to bad luck don't wanna hijack your thread so probably best I don't start on my recent run of luck.

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Guys I was the one who took the pictures. I think they screwed up on their scoring. I agree it's a solid 180s, low 190s class buck with the antler that's there. He busted off 2 tines: the G5 on the right side and a kicker off the G3 on that same side. Regardless they are some monster sheds and whitey... I feel for ya buddy. I know you have had some crappy luck over the years.

Kyle, basically whitey went out looking for sheds on Sunday and stopped about 30 yards away from where these bad boys were laying. The kid that found that apparently had permission to be on the property and found them the same day whitey was there. He said they were laying about 25 yards away from each other.

Not to mention, the kid that found these had never found an antler before this year and has found 2 matched sets plus a couple other antlers this year. Talk about beginner's luck.

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it doesn't sound like an ideal day. but, you do have an idea of where to hunt next year, and where to scout for a 200 plus point buck. and, you have to warn this kid that he cannot hunt there.

yup what steve said is what I was thinking. the pictures would make it a little smaller, but not by much. the idea of hunting there will be very tempting, to that kid as with anyone in that situation. post it well and remind him of the situation in a gentleman like fasion.

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