Any bow gurus?


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I just traded up in bows and my bow guy, who I really don't trust because he always is trying to get you to buy something, says I need to change arrows. I am now shooting the X-force Vendetta XL 35 in axel to axel with a 29 in draw set at 60 lbs. My old arrows are 340 beman ics hunters with a grain per inch of 9.3. He wants me to switch to 200 radial weaves that have a gpi of 7.5. He says that my old ones are too heavy and stiff a spine when they shot perfectly with my old parker spitfire which shot no where near as fast as this new bow. Should I go with what he says?

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The Vendetta is a higher speed bow no doubt.

I shoot the PSE x-weaves in my Bowtech. 30in draw, 27 1/2in arrow, 300 size,125 gr head at 67 1/2lbs. That draw weight is as high as I can go before I have spine issues with the 300s. The actual spine of the PSE 300s is .340. So the 300 PSE are the same spine as the 340 Bemans. The Bemans are heavier though so I would not expect them to act as stiff.

There's a decent chance the Beman's will work fine. A serious tuning effort with the Beman's will reveal if they are in fact too stiff. If they act a little too stiff put the next size up head on them and see.

Try before you buy is always a good idea with archery equipment ;)

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Don't consider myself a guru at all, but here's what I think... If you're just hunting with them, a heavier arrow is really better; more penetration. The setup you're shooting now according to the beman shaft selector should be using a .400 spine, ideally. However, it doesn't say what point weight that's with, so I assume the most common 100gr head applies. If you have your poundage turned up to at least 62 lbs or changed from a 100gr head to a 125gr head, you'd be perfect. That said they're going to work fine. I know a lot of target guys that are shooting a much heavier spined arrow with poundage equal or less than what you've got.

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