Walmart decoys...


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Was at Walmart yesterday, checking out the decoy prices. Well I'm thinking of emailing Walmart and see what happens. Their prices were the exact same as Cabelas and the one decoy, one of the inflatable Cherokee ones, was $2 more at Walmart than Cabelas!!:wacko: I couldn't believe it, usually Cabelas is the higher priced one.

Speaking of which, anyone use those inflatable ones? What do you think of them?

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WWell I'm thinking of emailing Walmart and see what happens.

Speaking of which, anyone use those inflatable ones? What do you think of them?

DELETE......that is what will happen to your email :D

Cabelas probably sells a few more decoys each year than wally world so they can sell them a tad cheaper and still make a nice profit. That is my guess.....

I have never used inflatable ones.......always was afraid of it not holding air......gobbler to close to inflatable decoy and one pellet hits the decoy your decoy is now dead too :(

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Don't waste your time with emailing Wally World. Cabela's sells a ton mre than they do so thats how they come they can sell them cheaper.... BUT... if you figure in the cost of shipping from Cabela's with their cost, then figure the cost of sales tax to the decoys at Wally I'm sure they will either equal out or be a smidge less than Cabela's. As for the inflatable, from what I have read the only benefit is they hold their sape better than foam decoys.. but just weigh the options:

1- How easilly will they puncture?

2- they tend to have a higher shine than foam; ie will glare.

3- Do I wanna carry an extra sack to tote them around in?

4- What if I shoot them? foam wont pop!!

Just ask yourself alot of questions and maybe inspect a few to see if they seem rugged enough for your use. And even research them and check reviews, Cabela's and Bass Pro may have reviews of them that will enlighten you on more. Happy hunting for decoys. :gun2:

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Do you have a local Cabela's that you go to, or are you ordering from their catalog? If you have to order from Cabela's then, money wise, your better off buying at walmart because you wont have to pay shipping, which would be more than the price difference.

I have the inflatable full strut gobbler decoy. I only used it a couple times and killed one bird while using it. They work ok, seem to be pretty tough, and they are light to pack. Ive upgraded to a Pretty Boy now so doubt I use it much anymore.

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Walmart is not always the best price for a lot of things if you take the time to look. As mentioned, you will be paying the same with Cabelas when it is all said and done. I used inflatables awhile back. Had to carry in a big duffel bag. A real pain but they were effective as a group. I only carry one foam decoy now and it only comes out occasionally.

Edited by ruttinbuc
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I didn't care for the inflatable or foam ones. The rubber ones you can get are different though. They look much more realistic and take a beating. If there's a stubborn bend in the rubber put it up anyway; the sun heats them up and gets them looking pretty. I get the lodge outfitter ones at Dick's Sporting goods when they are on sale for $10-14. Lately it's hard to find more feeding hens though. Put out a mini flock with all them standing up right and things look a little off. Can't think an old thunderchicken thinks it looks appealing either and not alert hens ready to fly.

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