Gun owner lists


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Apparently the Illinois attorney general wants to release a list of all gun owners in the state. Fortunately the state police have stood their ground and not allowed this to happen as of yet but it looks like a showdown in court is coming up. This is absolutely crazy but seeing that it is happening in Illinois I can believe it. Their politicians are all liberal nut jobs.

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This is like giving criminals a list of where to stake out to find guns. Was some controversy a while back in Tennessee over a list of handgun carry permit holders in a searchable database. Very very bad idea releasing these type lists to public.

It also lets them know who doesn't own guns and no way to protect themselves. Seems like this would make people without guns easy targets.

I read about this in the paper last Sunday. I can't see this information being released benefiting anybody.

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It also lets them know who doesn't own guns and no way to protect themselves. Seems like this would make people without guns easy targets.

I read about this in the paper last Sunday. I can't see this information being released benefiting anybody.

this is the way i see it, also. i think the bill was meant to inform criminals where to find guns but will backfire on the liberals if they do push it through. no criminal wants to enter a house that is known to have guns, unless they are sure it's unoccupied at the time.

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