Going to try an owl hooter this year...


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Turkey season around the corner and I'm definitely going to take a crack at it.. I'd like to try an owl hoot, I borrowed a HS Strut Hooter call, I want to practice, so I found some sites on line with recorded owl hoots I can practice against, my thing which species? I'll be in Northern New Jersey..

like always, any tips or advice are greatly appreciated


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Northern New Jersey has both Barred and Great Horned owls. The Barred Owl call will most likely get you more response, as the Great Horned Owl's call is less "sudden", for the lack of a better way to put it.

You'll look long and hard to find a better owl hooter than a wooden Palmer's Hoot Tube. They rock.

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Not sure how precise the call needs to be.......My kids have been out playing with owl calls before and had turkey gobble back and or other owls hoot back at them.

As for turkeys its the startling noise that gets them to gobble. SO I think you "could" make any loud shocking noise and they would/could gobble...... The owl is just a more natural sound to the woods first thing in the early morning ;):D

Good luck ;)

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I use a HS Strut Palmers Hoot Tube. The best way to sound like an owl is blow "who cooks for you.... who cooks for you alllllllllllll". Yeah by reading this your thinking, Seriously...?? WTF. But it really works and sounds like the owls tone. One of the best things to learn is the laughing hoot. I have not done it yet but it sounds awesome and doesnt leave you with the same old tone.

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The owl call will work well for you in the morning. I use an owl call until I hear the first couple crows sound off, then I switch to a crow call. Seems like I can keep them going longer by switching over, but that's just me.

I have only Turkey hunted last year but I did use a Crow call and did get some responces, especially in the later afternoon. I will have to try an Owl call this year aswell

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So many owls around here the turkeys don't gobble so much to them unless they are just really hot, about a week time frame where they gobble to anything so much as a truck door closing in which case I think you could hoot without any call and get a response. Seems geese honking get better replies from birds round here, been saying I was gonna get me a goose call for years to locate gobblers and never have.

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