What did you do Saturday ?


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I hauled some wood in, cleaned out one of the larger flower beds. Then hooked up with 3 other guys and hit the links at Rich Valley golf course. http://richvalleygolf.net/ here is the link. we had a great day, it was about 55 degrees which felt like 70"s after this winter. LOL Played decent couldn't get a birdie putt to drop but still finished 3 over par. great day with the guys hope you had as good of a day.

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Did what work I could on the house while waiting for fed ex to bring railing parts to fix a measurement goof on the part of the people who we bought our railings from. Replacement rails were supposed to be delivered Friday but they sat at the local fed ex facility from early on in the morning and got rescheduled and ended up being delivered late Saturday afternoon.

Think I would have much rather played golf. Sounds like your 55 degree day was a little nicer than what we had.

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Slept in until 5:30. Resized 938 9mm Luger cases. Went for a 2 mile run. Ate breakfast. Talked to my son and granddaughter in New Hampshire. Belled the cases I resized. Went to the archery range. Ran two more miles in the afternoon. Did some dry fire pistol drills. Took the wife out to dinner on the motorcycle and came home and watched the latest Sportsmans Warehouse DVD. Went to bed at 9:30.


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