turkey season

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I have had a lot of turkeys on my cam last fall and counted flocks over 30 during bow season. I even had some roosting around my treestand.

This will be my first Turkey season I know there are a ton of them out there. Hopefully I can thin them out a bit.

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haven't seen any at my house. i haven't been out and about on my parent's farm lately to know. too much snow until maybe now. also it would be awesome if the season started in middle or last week in April. it always seems like we hit the trailing end of things here. i'll probably be in a couple contests for local shops. one to win a Rem 870 and the other to win a new bow. I'd have to shoot one with my bow to win the bow though.

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We open May 1st as well. The land I'll be huntung still has 2 - 3 feet of snow, shoed up there twice the last 2 weekends and didn't see any activity at all and just a few tracks on the crust. I've spotted a few here and there in the fields near my house, mostly 2 or 3 together, to much distance to determine gender though.

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They are gobbling on the roost in the morning and close beaked after fly down. They are still flocked up here. Saw three Tom's together yesterday in a bachelor group while I was scouting.

Season opens this Tues. The hens are more vocal but essentially silent after 8am. With them still being in flocks you'll either find all of them or none of them. Unfortunately, it appears they are only passing through where I hunt and not hanging around long. I don't know when they are going through yet. Tuesday could be a long day.

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For the most part Tim it's the same here as it is for Leo. I did find the right bird away from hens Sunday morning...11 1/8" beard 1" spurs...story in turkey forum. :D

You did good Rhino. You were in them. I was not. Today was opening morning.

It was a long day today. No gobbling where I was hunting. Couldn't find the birds. There was sign they were where I was hunting but they just didn't seem to be there today. I can't remember an opening day with less action.

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It was a long day today. No gobbling where I was hunting. Couldn't find the birds. There was sign they were where I was hunting but they just didn't seem to be there today. I can't remember an opening day with less action.

That's exactly the way it was for me on opening day Leo...I was in the woods before daylight and stayed out there till 11:00 trying to locate a gobbling bird. Never heard one. Different story the 2nd day. Heard 9 gobbling on the roost 2nd morning. The one I killed was the only one I heard gobbling after flydown. Just got lucky to get on one that didn't have hens with him.

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That's exactly the way it was for me on opening day Leo...I was in the woods before daylight and stayed out there till 11:00 trying to locate a gobbling bird. Never heard one. Different story the 2nd day. Heard 9 gobbling on the roost 2nd morning. The one I killed was the only one I heard gobbling after flydown. Just got lucky to get on one that didn't have hens with him.

Well hopefully Lord willing things will be different for me next time I get to go too. This is the first time I've hunted this piece of property and it's really small (about 100acres). I know of some very large gobblers coming off the adjacent properties. This particular piece hasn't been turkey hunted in five years. I toughed it out from darkthirty until 2:30pm.

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