World Oil

Ravin R10 man

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he talks about $50 oil in one of his clips...we are now "talking" about tapping into our reserves..could that be a smoke screen for these two huge eastern oil fields coming online..I would we really know where the oil came from anyways..all we want is lower prices..and obsamma bamma would be a hero to the libs...makes me wonder just how corrupt this all is

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Here is some updated stuff from Conspiracy theorists to say the least. How much of it is truth? Who do you believe? Who is in CONTROL? If anything it comes down to freedom of speech and how they say it. Then is becomes freedom of the press and how they want you to read it. Freedom of the press is controlled by who has one.

» Lindsey Williams: Crude Oil Price Targeted for $150-200 per Barrel Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

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you have to think bigger picture..3 years isnt anything when you are controlling things..maybe those oil fields are not yet up and have to put on your "Elite" thinking cap on..

My only point was that this is nothing new. We all know about how much oil is on the north slope, we've been hearing about it for years....I don't need to wear a hat to be able to recall what the nation had been talking about for quite sometime now.....

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