mossberg 500 20ga.choke tube help


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My friends and I went to a NWTF banquet last week and my buddies 9 year old daughter won a mossberg 500 turkey gun.It has a stock that has add ons to grow with kids.It came with a slug barrel and a full choke in the bird barrel.My friend wanted me to get extra full turkey choke tube for it, when I went to cabelas yesterday.No luck, the only tubes they had was for 12ga. and for the 835/935.Plenty of tubes for remington 20ga.Where can he get a extra full turkey choke tube for his kids mossberg 500 20ga.

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95230X-FULL TURKEY (LEAD ONLY)20 GA.500, 505

O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. - Firearms, Shotguns, Rifles, Accessories, and Precision Machining

I checked around, this is all I could find. For a 20 gage, I would not shoot past 30 yards. Get several different shell manufactures and sizes, and pattern the gun to see what it likes. Besides, shells like hevi shot or the likes might prefer the more open choke. I would try that first before spending any more money on a different choke. You might find that you have a killer tight pattern shooting gun.

Edited by LifeNRA
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