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I have talked with a few hunters from the U.S. and through our discussions they have expressed their frustrations with the amount of land they are able to hunt...this is where I am so thankful to live where I do...last week my buddy and I had 2560 acres all to ourselves to hunt...and this was PUBLIC land...pretty awesome

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Re: Thankful

This paying to hunt business is something I will never understand. Leases on land and property....unreal...I step out my back yard and there is fields everywhere and farmers who just let you hunt cause they don't or can't or whatever.

Recently in certain areas of Manitoba there have been farmers charging for goose hunting permission. I just asked somone who asked for 25bucks....I said I would never pay to hunt....never. I went to the local marsh and smoked some mallards.

I love my freedom and space! grin.gif

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Re: Thankful

You got it SaskBucks.I love this Province.But I too was asked for 200$ from a farmer to hunt whitetail on his land.This is after 2 years of hunting there prev with his permission.Of course I said no.I should have asked him if he was a liscensed outfitter.But I didn't want to start a quarrell.I just convienly let the wardens know what he was doing.

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Re: Thankful

So true Tim!!!! I can't imagine what it'd be like to share a quarter section with a half dozen guys, heck I can't imagine what it'd be like to share a few thousand acres with a couple guys!!!! smile.gif Call me greedy but I love where I live, sole access to many acres in muzzleloader season, only a few rifle hunters on it, plus the provincial forest is 10 miles from home, millions of acres there. I LOVE CANADA!

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