Well I found his antlers... Too bad they are still on his head


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Here is the link to my previous thread: http://www.realtree.com/forums/shed-hunting/103118-hes-back.html Well, I've spent a lot of time looking for his sheds and here is the result: I don't know if it was a happy ending to the long history I have with this buck or a sad ending. It is better than not knowing what happened to him I guess. I knew his antlers were grown together again, but I didn't expect that they were grown together to this extent.

03-19-2011 Dead Headache 4.jpg

03-19-2011 Dead Headache 5 resized.jpg

03-19-2011 Dead Headache 3.jpg

03-19-2011 Headache 2 Years (4) resized.jpg





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Very cool buck. I agree it is better to find him than not to know why he disappeared. You may never know how he died. Maybe old age, accident or predation. It's a tough life out in the woods and coyotes love them or hate them, they have to eat too.

Congratulations on a great find. At least you can always enjoy him and have the memories.

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