Federal Budget

m gardner

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Anyone else notice that the feds seem only too happy and cooperative to pass contiuing resolutions to fund the federal government? I think it's not good to just let them bleed us slowly like this. We need a budget so that we can cut costs and control spending instead of going into debt monthly to the tune of a projected 200 billion per month. Everyone seems to want to be a hero and not shut down the government but I really believe it's only a shrewd way to continue high spending levels. We need to build a fire under these people to get something done before we lose our country.

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We need to build a fire under these people to get something done before we lose our country.

I agree. You know what amazes me Mark is that some of those very same lawmakers that most folks KNOW are the biggest part of the problems we face today have been re-elected despite having the worst ratings there have been in my lifetime.

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I believe the problem is partly John Q. Voter most people dont pay attention to track record only the mud slinging hype they see on tv if they would do a little digging before going to the poles they would find out where their politicians really stand.

Education is everything and if we are going to get this under controll then the voter needs to learn what the cantidate is about.

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the pot is boining now. a paltry 12 billion has be cut to date, and there will be no more "temporary" fixes. the gloves are going on as we write this. it will be an interestin month coming up. i see the newly elected people standing firm as of last vote forward.

frankly, the liberals are quaking in their boots. just watch the cockroaches scramble when the lights turn on...

remember, most congresses pass a budget a year prior to the date. so, pelosi's 2010 congress should have already passed the budget, last year, and failed to do so. it was them who put it off hoping to blame the republicans. the kicker here is that they didn't ever think that conservatives, not republicans as usual, would get elected. the dems still fail to recognize that most of america wants to balance this budget and quit putting america into the debt hole.

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