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I'm not a big advocate of trans fluid changes unless they have been done on a regular basis. I change mine at 25,000 miles.

The problem I see is where someone has hit the 90-100,000 mark and they decide to change fluid and put in a new filter. The new fluid with fresh additives can loosen dirt and varnish on the internal parts, valve body and case. Now it is released and sent to the filter. If you have a high mileage vehicle you might consider changing the fluid, drive for a couple thousand miles and change it again.

If I have a high mileage vehicle come in with dark looking or varnish smelling fluid I warn the customer he may be waking a sleeping dog and recommend a second change soon afterward.

I shy away from the tranny repair in a can.

If your fluid looks good and doesn't smell bad, go ahead and change it.

If you use a truck to plow with, a vehicle to tow with or drive really hard, you might consider 25- 50,000 mile intervals.


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I have a transmission apart down to a bare case on my bench right now due to lack of maintenance. Luckily he's getting warranty to repair it. It's actually so bad that the whole thing has to be replaced. Should take pics of it and share with a title: This is what happens when you don't maintain your vehicle. :D;)

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