If you could part III


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Good taste, but not so good on history. :D Not too many U.S. pilots flew the Spitfire.

Some did though Chris.

Don't think I'd want to be a withness to a war event. I sure would have enjoyed seeing the 1960 US Open at Cherry Hills and see Nicklaus as an amateur battle head to head with Hogan with Palmer making the charge to win.

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I would witness the failure of the American socialist experiment in 1623 when the Pilgrims tried and failed in the socialist experiment (not too many people know that). Here's the link: the Kansas Citian: Pilgrims - America's First Socialist Experiment .

Then I could say that I was alive for the first failure at socialism AND the second failure of it thanks to Imamolama.


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I would witness the failure of the American socialist experiment in 1623 when the Pilgrims tried and failed in the socialist experiment (not too many people know that). Here's the link: the Kansas Citian: Pilgrims - America's First Socialist Experiment .

Then I could say that I was alive for the first failure at socialism AND the second failure of it thanks to Imamolama.


America didn't exist in 1623.

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The first non-native Americans were here on what we now call American soil in 1623. It counts.

Forrest meet trees....trees meet forrest! :D


I may stand corrected............from Wiki:

In 1507, German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller produced a world map on which he named the lands of the Western Hemisphere "America" after Italian explorer and cartographer Amerigo Vespucci

I suppose we should heed the lesson learned from their failure anyhow!

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The reason for my choice of aircraft is because it was the most aerobatic plane, as well as the most beautiful plane of its time in my opinion. I've always been fascinated by it.

There were Brit-American squadrons who flew them, and they are the ones who witnessed some of the most amazing dogfights in the history of combat flying.

No pilots license here...lol

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Wow there are so many things that flood into your mind with this question.

The JFK deal is interesting

What about Roswell

With the president on 9/11

At the miracle on Ice

Some of those great sniper events( I.E. veitnam when the sniper took 14 shots and had 14 kills at night by himself)

Like I've said so many things come to mind. This really gets you thinking!

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