Quail Hunters?

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Those of you that are private land owners, how would you handle a couple of guys knocking on the door asking to shoot quail?

I would laugh at them until I peed myself, probably. I'm going on 45 years old and quail were long gone from here before my memory. Pheasants, too, for the most part.

I am not a quail hunter (naturally). But if there were quail on my property and a couple of polite fellows asked to hunt them......chances are they'd be given a day-pass. Yep.

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Very first time I went "bird hunting" with my dad and uncles, and very first time our dog went up on point, a covey of about 15 exploded at my feet.

All I remember was my jaw dropping and the sound of about 5 shots. My uncles looked around asking my dad if anyone got one. My dad looked at me and said "did you even shoot?"



Heck no I didn't shoot. :angel1:

I think that would have been about 1977 before the cold and blizzards of 1977 and 78 wiped out populations out.

In the 30+ years since, I've seen a grand total of one or 2 other coveys. And those 2 were basically pen birds the state released in an effort to get the populations back on their feet. That was about 5 years ago, and I haven't seen or heard any since.

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the hand shake for hunting land privileges are far and few . I almost lost the land i hunted which was a family members farm because of a hunting partner , and they were going to give my partner rights to hunt the land without me if i wasn't around . my father lost his hunting privilege's on the land he use to hunt because of a new hunting partner , and some people are law suite happy , hunting private land is also becoming a big money maker in some states , while other land owners are saving the wild game for their family members only . And those are some of the reasons i believe why some land owners don't let people on their land . I would feel the same way .

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