Averys first turkey...


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My son Avery (Nubbybuck) and I went out yesterday for the youth Turkey Hunt (he is 10 years old). Early in the morning we were within a couple hundred yards of 4-5 gobblers. As soon as they hit the ground they were quiet. They headed directly away from us towards a big swamp. We sat in the blind together from 5am until almost noon when we decided to move the blind. After moving the blind we headed back to the truck to take a little break and stretch for a while. By 2pm, Avery was ready to head back to the blind and sit til closing time. A little after 4 I heard a gobble from the direction that we had the blind earlier. I yelped a few times on the ole box call and he wouldn't answer. 20 minutes go by and he gobbles again! Same story, I yelped a few times but no answer. This happened a couple more times to no avail. Around 6pm I grabbed the slate and was starting a little calling sequence with a few soft putts and right outside the blind I heard the leaves rustling. There he is! Not 10 yards from the blind, he came in quiet. Avery was shooting my 870 12 guage and it's a little big for him so he needed a mono pod to help him steady it. The nice Tom came within 15 feet of the blind and headed out in front of us. (I didn't have the decoys out) By the time I got the mono pod up and gave Avery the gun and got it out the window of the blind, the Tom was about 30 yards walking away at a good pace. I hit the box call to get him to stop and out up his head and Avery pulled the trigger. The gobbler fell to the ground and got up and flew away! Avery was pretty down about it but I explained that it happens and assured him we'll still get one. I looked for the bird for a bit to no avail. As we were walking back to the truck, we spotted his bird! We got with in 20 feet of it and it flew off. It was 20 minutes after shooting time so I didn't shoot to finish it off. Avery and I decided we would look for it this morning so we slept in a little and headed to the land and after 45 minutes or so we found it, still alive but in desperate need of some more lead. I finished it off and Avery got his first turkey! I'm very proud of him as he put in MANY hours in the bling on some chairs that were less than comfortable (my butt still hurts :o)and wanted to be out there no matter what. I hope this is his first of many more to come. 25 lbs, 3/4 inch spurs, and an 8 inch beard. Congrats buddy!!!


Edited by Randy
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