ATV tree stand transportation

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Hey Swampy, good to hear from you!

Most of our hunting land is easily accessible. We use metal stands. Usually the stands are assembled with one ladder section attached. We take the other two ladder sections and lay them on the attached section and run a couple pieces of duct tape around them to hold them in place. We load the platform and backrest on the rear rack and tie it down with ratchet straps and away we go. I usually put a piece of carpeting on the rack to prevent scratching the rack.

Sorry, don't have pics as we haven't moved any stands in a couple of years.


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Haven't loaded my ladder stand in it yet, but for all my other stands, I just throw 'em in the back of the 8X8 Argo. I'm sure the ladder stand will fit there too.

If'n I had a 4wheeler ATV, I'd consider putting an overhead rack onto it to cart things like ladders, ladder stands or even a canoe.


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I'm assuming your stand can be taken down into mulitple pieces. We have strapped them down on a deer sled, then tied that to the back of an ATV to get where they needed to go. Honestly, a big deer sled is probably the most useful thing I've ever had when it comes to hauling gear. I use it often for waterfowl hunting as well.

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I take my ladder stands in using good old fashioned foot power. That said I also leave them up year round so I don't have to move them often. When I do move them, it usually isn't far because they are already out in the woods. With 2 guys each taking a couple of sections it really isn't too bad.

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Well Swampy my ATV is a Polaris EV and it has a cargo box on the back. Most stands & other stuff just go in the box. My ladder stands break down into 4' sections and are strapped down to the box.

We do have some 1 piece metal camp ladders that are 15' & 18'. My buddy (who also has an EV) made a rack from PVC that fits in the posiloc holes on the side of the EV's box to transport those ladder stands strapping them down to the rack and the roof of the EV. I'll try to remember to take some pics this weekend.

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I take my ladder stands down every year. The land I hunt will have cattle in the summer. Cattle love to rub on ladders. I have a yamaha atv with a front and rear rack I take two stands at a time. One on the front and the other on the rear. I use the ratchet straps that I have to hold the stand in the tree and strap it to the atv. I also use zip ties to hold the sections of the stand together. If I had pics I would post them.

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