SURESHOT, how'd your coyote season go????

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browning slower than usuall, I ended up with 96 good coyotes, about 25 crappy ones, 3 badger and 11 fox,can't complain I guess never relaly got started till into novemebr and by 3rd week in jan was stopped by the rubbing, and in my hotspots down south they were rubbed ny jan 10 this year!Our hide quality was terrable this year not alot of snow, really warm novemebr and dec, actually had geese here still at dec 15,usually gone by nov 1! deffinalty not complaining I did allright for the time I got out, averaged abotu 3-4 a day had 2 days i got 7,was fun while ti lasted, not it time for a rest lol!Iam sure you knwo how thta is once you skin and scrape 100 critters after work lol! take care and hoepfully we can meet up soemtime, I am heading out to med hat tomorrow mornign to see my bro,to bad you were not closer!

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