Do You Remember?


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I have 2 that come to mind and i cannot remember which one was first. One was while playing with the neighbors granddaughter. We hung out all of the time and we were playing in the back yard and i just went for it. I think i was in Kindergarten. Around the same time I kissed the girl that lived up the street from me....her sister who was around 2 years older saw it and told my mom! After that i did not kiss another girl until i was in sixth grade. Girls are trouble...just ask my wife!

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Just like the "if you could" threads, I love how you started them, but don't put in your details.... course, it may not be safe for this topic to procede like the "if you could" threads did:p

I don't think I have ever told anybody this story. It was in either 5th or 6th grade, my father had an army buddy from Florida come over and visit. He just happened to be a preacher. It is true what they say about preacher's daughters, she basically attacked me. I surrendered and let her have her way.

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Just like the "if you could" threads, I love how you started them, but don't put in your details.... course, it may not be safe for this topic to procede like the "if you could" threads did:p

All you have to do is ask, lol.

First kiss, (other than the elementary school kid stuff), Bonnie Kee. Summer after 8th grade, underneath a maple tree, in front of Ely School. Her dad didn't like me, she went to Elyria High, I went to Elyria Catholic.....the rest is history, lol. Think I only saw her once or twice after that summer.

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Hmmmm. I suppose I was 12 or 13. I didn't have much adult supervision when I was younger and lived with my mom, and was pretty much on my own during summer when school was out. We used to play spin the bottle and truth or dare with the girls from the neighborhood. First real kiss was with a gal named Dawn something or other. Second one was from a girl named Deonna....both in the same day. ;)

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