Mountain Lion....caught in Tulsa


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Oklahoma finally admitted that we had Mountain Lions a few years ago. We can legally kill them if they pose a threat. There are still those that claim they are rare in Oklahoma....

However, when one is caught in North Tulsa (highly populated part of Tulsa) there is little dispute on their strong presence! Keep in mind Oklahoma has vast spans of Timber, plains, etc. For one to come into Tulsa isnt a good sign.

Mountain Lion Caught In Tulsa - - Tulsa, Oklahoma - Coverage You Can Count On

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You might count on your dnr to rewrite the regs. Supposedly here 8 or 9 years ago there were no alligators and our regs at that time had any non listed species as being legal at that time. Couple kids not far from here called the twra office and asked if they could shoot the gator that was under a bridge in the river, they laughed it off and said sure. Kids shot it, game officials put out that it was not a gator, but rather a released cayman that was a pet that got too big for someone to keep. Funny the next year or so they re wrote our regs to say that any non listed species was now illegal. About 6 years ago our state wildlife folks admitted that there are alligators making their way up the Mississippi and finding their way into waters near the river, kind of hard for them to continue to deny it when they have folks finding them in Memphis area lakes.

On the lions, have heard lots of stories about "big" cats in the bottoms down here, one guy turkey hunting on a farm just up the road supposedly saw one about 6 years ago that he claimed was easily over a 100 lb cat. Only big cats I have seen or seen tracks from were bobcats. Biggest of them I have seen was a 30+ lb cat, far stretch from a mountain lion, although just because I have seen no evidence of lions does not mean they could not be around I yet to have seen an alligator either.

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Lions have a huge range. We watched a show a few years back about them. One was tagged and released in South Dakota. It was shot on the Texas/ Oklahoma line.

A lot of animals we have in the wild use to roam. Even Oklahoma had buffalo and wolves. However, changes in habitat and population quickly section them off to certain pockets. Thinking that an animal that has not changed in thousands of years (gator) would likely have spent time in your neck of the woods isnt that hard to fathom. Neither is the question of whether they would return if un-hindered.

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That's pretty wild!!!

It wasn't that long ago here in MS when seeing aligators was uncommon. We have an aligator season now and have for at least the past 5 years.

I can also remember the 1st time I saw a bobcat in Iowa. Told my Iowa buddy about it and he said "couldn't be...there's no bobcats in Iowa". Well later...the trail cam didn't lie!

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