Mount or Hide?


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I killed a 40lb'ish beaver yesterday. They have been eating my trees like crazy. I have only seen little ones but havent been able to close the deal on any. We have had some serious flooding for the past few days and she couldnt get into her den because of the water. I noticed her walking across my bridge and into my field.

I grabbed the Charles Daly with a 3" Turkey Load and headed into the field with rubber boots on. I stalked her and finally got to about 30-35 yards. Headshot.... Game over.

She isnt in bad shape at all. The fur is a little messed up on her head but it can be fixed. Anyway, now im trying to decide whether I want to tan the hide only or do a full mount. The hide is around $100 while the mount is $400. It would make a very, very cool mount but $400 is a pretty hefty chunk of change for a mount.

What do you think? Beaver mount good or bad? I have a gray fox and bob cat mounted in my house right now as well as tons of sheds. I thought the beaver might go nicely but its going to be a very large and expensive mount.... What say ye?

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