Tube call.....


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Re: Tube call.....

I'm sorry to say I used to use a tube call but I haven't used one of those in almost 20 years now. If I had one, I could figure out how to use it again but I sure hate to try to explain how to use one again without doing some figuring out on my own. I do vaguely remember but I would sure hate to start you off wrong. Tuff getting old. crazy.gif

I'll bet between Strut10, snapper, and redbeard one of them can give you some instructions. wink.gif

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Re: Tube call.....

Got you covered fellow forum member.... wink.gif

***Instructions for the use of Tube Call for Turkeys***

*Place the lower lip against the latex reed with the straight side of the half-moon shape facing downward.

*Variations in tone and volume can be achieved by cupping the hands over the end of the call.

*Turkey sounds are made by the passing of air between the lower lip and the reed going into the tube.


Cluck: The Cluck is achieved by making a sharp burst of air into the tube starting with sounding out the word "TA".

Cutting: This sound is produced by calling in a series of sporadic clucks of 8-10 clucks in succession.

Yelp: The Yelp is made by pursing your lips and mouthing the word "PEW" with breaths of air into the tube.

Purr: Using very light pressure while blowing softly through the call and fluttering the tongue.

Gobble: While fluttering the tongue against the front teeth, use moderate 2-5 second bursts of air to produce the gobble.

....and the best tip of all....try to sound very lonely wink.gif

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Re: Tube call.....



Do you cut a hole in the bottom of the canister? (when making a tube call) Do you suck or blow into it?

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Yes, the bottom must be off and you gently blow (huff) into it. With a little practice they sound very realistic.

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I agree and the tightness of the stretched latex acrossed the top(and under the lid) is another factor in the realism of the call.

Pitch changes can be done by loosening or tightening the latex.

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Re: Tube call.....

I know what you mean rebeard. I never was to excited about the quality of the yelps and clucks that I could make with that call. That's way I quit using it. Another old turkey hunting buddy of mine sounded great and could gobble with that sucker.

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