Remember a few years ago....


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when I was offered a job by Aflac to sell supplemental insurance? Well I wasn't in the financial state to where I could afford to not have a steady income for 3-6 months while I got established so I turned it down. During this last visit home, I bumped into the regional manager and we visited. After telling him about being very anxious to find work back home so I could be with my family, he told me the offer from 3 years ago was still good. Actually it was better, because they needed a rep to fill the shawnee/mcalester area. So I told him I wanted to work the oil/gas industry and pay my new truck off and then I'd be interested in finally taking the offer. He said to take as much time as I needed and that the job was mine when I was ready. He too did the work away from home ordeal too and knew what I meant when I said I was ready to come home. He also seemed very confident that I could maintain my current income if not exceed it. Time will tell the story, but after this stint in PA, I will be coming home to give it a try. I wanna get home to my wife and kid!

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I find it hard to believe you can make the same money. IMO that Alfac is a hard product to sell. They come to the office every year--------nobody I know has bought it.

But good luck----hope it works out. CB

While I agree that I SERIOUSLY doubt it will produce even close to the income I make now, I do disagree that it is a hard sell. I know several folks that have it and use it. It's cheap, it pays the bills when your off work from injury or sick, and they have EXCELLENT customer claims service. Aflac sales are at record highs through this healthcare crisis also. It's supplemental insurance for most of us, but for some others it's a means of cheap insurance. Either way....I'm giving it a shot. If I fall on my face, then at least I'll do so with my family by my side. I can always go back on the road....but Cash isn't gonna be little forever.

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I have the accident policy that I will cancel after my son finishes high school sports. This policy is IMO their cash cow. Of course, once I got the policy, he stopped getting hurt. Well, kind of...I have used it once when he got his hand stepped on by a cleet during practice. The trainer will not let him return to play until he has an x-ray to make sure it is not broken. Of course, there is NO WAY he can miss practice so we went to the doctor that day. I got the $120 check within a week just for visiting the doctor and getting an x-ray. There were a few injuries prior to me getting the policy that would have REALLY helped with some expences.

IMO, there is no way to beat the cancer policy. If you have cancer in your family, I would really recommend this policy. It is definately NOT their cash cow and now I know why. That policy pays out alot. if, say, your sponse or child gets cancer and you have to see a specialist in another city and you want to stay in that city during treatments - or something like that.

The specified event policy is good if you have heart problems or HBP in your family. My father-in-law has CHF and my wife has HBP. We have to wait a year to get her added since she just started the medication.

Deductables are not getting any smaller.

"I find it hard to believe you can make the same money. IMO that Alfac is a hard product to sell. They come to the office every year--------nobody I know has bought it."

If only one person bought a policy and had reason to use it, I bet alot more would buy it once they pay the first claim. As always, buy only the policies that fit your needs but don't wait until you are 45 and then start having HBP problems and need medication.

Edited by hogwild63
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Either way....I'm giving it a shot. If I fall on my face, then at least I'll do so with my family by my side. I can always go back on the road....but Cash isn't gonna be little forever.

No guts no glory Kyle...I applaud your effort to be close home to Cash and Jen.

You are 100% correct about Cash not being young forever.

Good Luck.

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Kyle, nothing ventured nothing gained.

You are young and while you still have a lot of responsibilities, you will get more later. Something happens as you get into your late 30's and 40's when your needs change and you will naturally become risk averse.

So I say do it while you still have the swagger and confidence and ability to make a mistake without ruining life.

People buy insurance and I believe that a true salesman can sell ice to an eskimo. Be a square dealer and work hard and great things will happen.


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