
Guest MissouriHunter

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Guest MissouriHunter

I am currently looking for a scope for my predator rifle. I want something I can see forever with and has a clear view. What does everyone like as of scopes. I have a nikon on one of my guns and it is very clear but I have never seen through a leupold and my friends say they are the best.

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Re: Scopes

With scopes, the old saying "You get what You pay for" is for the most part pretty true. You probably won't be dissapointed in any of the upper mid level, to high end scopes. Best thing would be to shop around, and look at as many as you possibly can. You might find something for less money that satisfies you.

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Re: Scopes

This is just my opinion...but I can't see paying the kind of money they want for some of these scopes. I feel Nikon is the best scope for the money!

I have a Nikon Prostaff 3-9X40 and a Leupold VariXII 3-9X40. Side by side...there isn't awhole lot of a difference, if any. The Prostaff is around $130 and the VariXII is about double that.

With all that said...I also have some elcheapo's that never gave me any problems. I got a few Tasco's and just got a Simmons 8 point from ebay yesterday.

It all comes down to what your willing to spend and how much of a difference there is in each scope. Some folks think that very little difference is worth a few hundred (sometimes thousands) of dollars is worth every penny...I'm just not one of them!!! wink.gif

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: Scopes

Missouri----------I've got a Nikon Buckmaster 4.5 x 14--with 40 mm AO lense. Pretty for a varmit gun. I want to sell it. PM me if your interested. CB

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Re: Scopes

"You get what you pay for" is so true for scopes, and all optics. Sure a cheap scope might be ok for a bit, but the clarity and light transmission won't be as good, it won't hold a zero, things just start going wrong with it.

I have a Nikon ProStaff on my .22 Mag. It is a great scope for the money. I would suggest something like a Nikon Monarch UCC in a higher power for a varmint gun though. wink.gif

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Re: Scopes


Most scopes are compared to Leupold for a reason. I don't ever remember someone saying they were disappointed in buying one.

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LOL...yeah I compared the price and bought a Nikon! tongue.giftongue.gifgrin.gif

They are good scopes...but with all the optics out there today, there are some that are pretty good for alot less money. Guess it just depends on your pocket book.

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Re: Scopes

Leupold set the bar for sure it seems, but others have caught them for sure. One reason the Nikon is cheaper is that they are made in the Phillipines. Much cheaper to make over there than here. I looked at a ProStaff today for my 25-06, and was suprised to see that stamped on it.

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Re: Scopes

I have Leupold, on my rifles except my .270 which I have a Bushnell Elite. I bought the Elite last year and am happy with it for the price I paid. I think it is a great scope for the money. But, it doesn't match the clarity/sharpness of my Leupolds. If I had the money to spend, I'd buy the Leupold, but certainly do not feel cheated with the Elite. It's a great scope.

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Re: Scopes

I try to buy Leupolds. The quality and peace of mind are worth it to me. Great prices and service from Bear Basin Outfitters, they are in California. They have a website, and I trust them completely. Beware of Bullseye Supplies, they are also out of California, and I have nothing good to say about them except they did send my money back...after 5 months!!!!!


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Re: Scopes

hoosier, have you tried any Nikons ? I think they are somewhat equal to Leupolds, except for the $$.

Don't get me wrong, I think Leupolds are great scopes, just I think they are kinda over priced. I believe alot of differrent companies have some scopes that match them for less $$.


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Guest J_Owens_66

Re: Scopes

Here's my opinion. Leupold is a decent scope when you get into the VX-2 and above, below that isn't at all good optically. Leupold is WAY overpriced, good optics but they aren't worth it. Just my opinion though.

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Re: Scopes

No, to be honest, I have not tried the Nikons out. The difference between a Nikon Monarch and Leupold VXIII is like $100. The peace of mind is worth that to me. Of all the money you spend on equipment and hunting, it seems like the extra C-note isn't going to break the bank, if that's what you want to do. I have the same philosophy on ammo. Sure Core-Lokts are cheap, but I don't trust 'em and I spend a little more on something I trust. I don't intend to spend money on tags and travel and vacation time to go on a hunt and have my ammo or scope let me down, when for a few bucks more, I'd be confident and happy. Opinions are like ********, here's mine. smile.gif

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