How to hunt this week?


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Need some tips....Looks like it's going to be a soaker most of the week. I'm off Mon/Tues then Fri-Sun.

I last was out Thursday late morning, went to see if I cpould locate the gobbler I shot luck. Did find some more feathers out in a plowed field - couple tail and some breast....I think the fox are really putting a hurt this year on the population. So now I dunno if maybe that was the gobbler I missed and he died somewhere or got caught by something or was a diff. turkey all together. I'd gone out a few nights last week and couldn't get any response to an owl call....though he wasn't really responding in that way anyhow.

So my next option is state land...I just dunno where to start, whether the usual spots I hit on the state land or go down the road and tree a few areas that have fields bordering the woods with some ridges. I did a drive by yesterday to scope it out on the way to work.

And with it getting later in the season...should I be using crow/owl/or some yelping/clucks to try and get a shock gobble? Are the birds still responding or are any of you finding it's slowing down?

thanks for the tips:)

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Hey turkeygirl,

Owling still working here in southern Maine for roosted turkeys as it did when I started out this season down in Georgia back in late March (pulling gobbles out of 'em as of yesterday at least!). The only difference is then we were using a barred owl locator and now I'm using softer great horned owl calling with my voice. Good for the up-close stuff with leaf-out.

Keep us posted on how you do . . .

Edited by shickoff
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