Pray for the families in OK and MO


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It's hard to imagine what it would be like to lose everything, not to mention the loss of loved ones and friends. We read so much of it we might get calloused but these are real people not just numbers in a newscast! Where do you begin to start over? We do need to pray for them.

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There are more big storms coming as I type. The devastation to Joplin is incredible. My heart goes out to all of those who went through this nightmare and to those who had no chance to get out of its way.

I had to drive to and through Joplin, MO on my return from a September Kansas ML hunt a few years ago. The reason was to avoid the potential of getting caught in a tornado. I had to go through northern Arkansas to get south of that front. I'll never forget the thunderheads that formed and the rain they produced.. It was incredible.;contentBody

Edited by ruttinbuc
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