dry storage options


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With having a ton of room storage space in our basement, plan on keeping some ammo down there, but keeping in mind potential for moisture issues and at this point I don't have enough "dry storage" boxes for what I have on hand. Have in the past kept ammo in kinda smallish rubbermaid totes and considered using them and bagging the ammo in them. Should keep any moisture out shouldn't it?

So, anyone have any suggestions or tips for storing ammo in a basement?

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I store all my hand gun ammo in sandwich zip lock bags by the 50 rounds. I then place 12-15 of the 50 round bags in a gallon zip lock bag. I store all my rifle ammo in plastic ammo boxes that you get from the reloading store and have them in gallon zip locks. I dont really worry about moisture since I have zero humidity (the only thing I dont miss about the South) but it makes grouping ammo and transporting it easier to carry one heavy bag instead of 12-15 little ones.

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Thanks Ben. Might try ziplocs, dunno. Moisture in the basmement is not bad but still concerns me. Probably gonna use these totes I think, they are clear and each will hold quite a bit of ammo. Like that with being clear I can stack them and can still see what is in them.

Got to get this stuff out of our closet. Have a few rds of stuff like 7.62x39 and 9 mm that I do not use too often, no need to store it on the main floor in our home when we have plenty of room in the basement.

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