**Really mad at my mount***


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Spent 85 bucks on a poor mount...the taxidermist I used only fanned out my turkey feathers, just under 3/4 open on a huge bird....he removed all the tail feathers individually, and glued them with a pinkish looking epoxy in the back....is there a way to heat the stuff up (its hard as a rock) and move the feathers farther apart...there is plenty of feathers to make it a full, open fan.......HELP.............al

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Re: **Really mad at my mount***

It was a heated discussion to say the least....the beard, all 11 inches of it was crooked, I wet it, and put it centered, but the feathers are a whole nother' issue........I thought he was gonna call the cops I was yelling so much...I should of not paid.....uggggg....al

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Re: **Really mad at my mount***

Yes, beards are not straight. They should be curved with point facing the wall. I doubt he removed the feathers and re-glued it with bondo. It sounds like he fanned it out and bondo'd over the tail bone, because you said it's about 3/4 fanned and believe it or not thats about the max anybody can do with a tail that has the bone in it and it has dried out somewhat before getting attention.

I seperate all my tail feathers and re-glue with hot glue melt all the time on all turkey tails.

Please post us some pics if you could so we can see it.

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Re: **Really mad at my mount***

My first tail mount turned out similar to what you discribed. After one bad tail mount, I found it was much easier and better to do the mounts myself. Unfortunately, your mount is probably in a permanent position. I keep my bad mount on the wall as a reminder of how much money I wasted.

Doing it yourself is real easy. You have to remove the tail bone and all the meat/fat from the quills. You've also got to remove the oil gland. It is tedious work, but it HAS to be done for a good mount that will last a lifetime. I've gotten it down to a couple hours time of picking and cutting and you can get it all out of there. Then you have to degrease everything. Coleman lantern gas works best. Let it set in that for a couple hours, then wash everything in a sink of warm water and dish soap. Get out your wifes hair dryer and dry everything out (don't worry, all the feathers go back to their natural form). Take some borax and rub it into the backside of the skin and up in the tail quills. Then pin the tail down to a piece of card board. I've found if you put an extra small piece of card board underneith the quills of the main tail feathers, you can get that curved back look that a turkey naturally has when it is fanned out. Get all the feathers positioned the way you like using big T pins and let it set, undisturbed, for about 2 weeks. After two weeks, flip it over and take hot glue and fill in the back side of the skin and quills of the fan to perminantly fix everything in that position. Let the glue dry and then mount it to your favorite plaque.

10000 X better than what you got back from your taxidermist and will only cost you about $20 (assuming you purchased a plaque). Plus it is more rewarding doing for yourself.

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Re: **Really mad at my mount***

RTF....I dont have the capabilities of posting pics, but this guy separated each feather, and glued (pinkish epoxy) them in place in the back.....I am so upset, because the front small feathers cover the full half moon area, and the tail feathers are not matching it....I guess if I get a good bird with nice tail fan,. Ill switch them out...cause its hard to find a thick paint brush bird around here..........al

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