The News Interview That Never Made It to the News

m gardner

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Here's the interview with Oath Keepers on Memorial Day when we had the ceremony for the fallen Marine Jose Guerena. All that is for certain is that if you are capable of defending yourself these are the guys they will send to serve you a warrant. If you brag that they'll only get your guns when they pry them from your cold dead hands, they wiil. This guy was a tow tour Iraq War veteran. I guess some of his family was supposedly involved in narco-trafficking. He was never in any trouble at all and worked nights at the mines south of Tucson. They served the warrant and found nothing after killing him.

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All that is for certain is that if you are capable of defending yourself these are the guys they will send to serve you a warrant. If you brag that they'll only get your guns when they pry them from your cold dead hands, they wiil.

Topic has come up before about fighting to keep your weapons, not saying he wasn't but you got to be smart about things and do what you have to in order to keep your family safe. Sometimes you have to pick your battles and live to fight another day. Real tragedy this happened, considering the amount of fire that was evident from your videos in the other thread it really is kind of amazing that no one else was hurt.

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