*Forum Members Pee Pee works....**


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Mr Wiggley is selling doe pee in the classified ads...I am happy to announce the stuff works.....I had a 3-4 year old 9 point buck come into my wind, and I started dropping drops of the doe pee on the branches below......he sniffed away, and was in love...right up to the point I shot him through both shoulders and he piled up 50 yards away....his live weight is est. at about 285-290 pounds...Ill post pics in Bowhunting in the morning......Im ordering more pee ASAP........................al

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Re: *Forum Members Pee Pee works....**


You sure that was the doe pee dripping on the branches when you saw him? LOL Way to go Al!

[/ QUOTE ]

ROFLMBO grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I know it works D-Man....I got some at the NY roundup and I just started using it....just started seeing deer...funny how that worked out...hmmmmm wink.gif

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