Better late than never, I guess

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Going to get around and start prepping for some plots.

Have some mowing to do before hooking the plows up.

I bought a sack of seed that is millet-based a couple months ago. Shoulda been in by now. But weather and life in general have prevented any farming thus far. Also have some chickory and brassica to be planted, too.

Then there's the fields on hte neighbor lady's property that I'm not yet sure what they will end up planted in.

Need more days in a weekend.

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Late plots sometime workout real well Don, if the weather works out. Will have to watch for pics.:yes:

Behind here too. Still hoping to get some beans planted in the bottom, been too wet down there until now to even think about putting a tractor down there.

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should have listen to you wnthunt, when you told me to plant beans, i planted 2 plots 1 in exstream, and the other in no plow, both are doing well but not a deer track in any of them, think i wasted my money with those seeds. still have 3 to go but i think i'l wait till fall on them

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should have listen to you wnthunt, when you told me to plant beans, i planted 2 plots 1 in exstream, and the other in no plow, both are doing well but not a deer track in any of them, think i wasted my money with those seeds. still have 3 to go but i think i'l wait till fall on them

Don't give up on these plots just yet. I have used both with great results. The Extreme is one of my most used plots.

Follow WI's maintenance schedule for best results. After the Extreme reaches 3" add 100-200 # of 34-0-0 per acre. Each year apply 300 # of 17-17-17 per acre. When the plants reach 12" mow them back to 4-6". Don't mow when real hot or dry.

I have an Extreme plot which is 6 years old and it looks better every year.

Good luck,


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Well............. I'm going to be later yet.

Got the mowing done just in time for a torrential storm to blow in. Got no plowing done at all. My evening time is limited. So hopefully I can get the plows hooked up tomorrow nite then start chipping away at it each evening until next weekend.

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What a shame work has to interfere with so many activities! I feel your pain. I started mowing fields Fri. eve. and had to quit about 9:30 pm. I was starting to fall asleep and didn't want to wreck a $ 50,000 tractor. Sat. I got up and it was raining a little. Waited it out and serviced equipment until I could pull out and start mowing around 9:00 AM. Quit at 7:00 PM because I was getting hungry.

Up this AM @ 6, had coffee and back out in the field. First 2 day weekend stretch without a total rain out. All told I'm 1/2 done. Before I am done it will need doing all over again.

We call this fun?


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I was late getting my beans in this year due to weather. We have been in such an extreme drought it was the 3rd week of May before I got them planted. Got a nice rain on them about 5 days later but now we are so dry i doubt they make it. We need rain really bad.

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I was late getting my beans in this year due to weather. We have been in such an extreme drought it was the 3rd week of May before I got them planted. Got a nice rain on them about 5 days later but now we are so dry i doubt they make it. We need rain really bad.

sounds like we are in the same boat dogdoc, so dry here that our garden just died, we think putting cold well water on it did them in after being in the heat all day, we do need some rain for sure

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