New pics from my job...The Ground Zero Memorial and Museum


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I know I have not been on here much, but I have quite the busy beaver at work. Six days a week now and possibly going to seven 10hr days soon.

I know you guys would like to see the progress that is being made.

Here is the official website.

National September 11 Memorial & Museum | World Trade Center Memorial

This is the new batch of pics I took Saturday while I was at work. They are really pushing the work in the Plaza and for half of the Museum to be completed by this Sept 11th. So much has gotten done below ground it is amazing.

It is an honor to work there. I have been on this project for about 15 months now. The company I work for alone has over 150 electricians just on the memorial. Not counting the other towers going up either. There are over 2800 workers at the 16 acre site daily.

This is the Freedom Tower or Tower #1


This is one of the light poles we installed. They look like the old towers.


This is a view of the south pool or foot print of the old tower 2. The glass structure in the background is whats called the Pavillion. It will be the entrance to the Memorial and museum.


This is how the names of those lost, will be memorialized. Around both... the north and south pools. The foot prints for the old towers.


This is an area of the Memorial plaza.


This is tower 4 on its way up.


These are the old foundation steel beams that held up the North tower. They will be part of the Museum when it opens.


This is what will be on the wall of the Remains room. That is the room that will house all the unclaimed and unidentified DNA from the Ground Zero recovery effort.


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Thanks a lot guys, glad your enjoying the pics. It is a honor to work there and be part of history in the making. Each and every craftsman on that site treats this place very special. It is not your normal construction site in NYC. Emotions run high every day. There is never a loss of tourists and NYers that gather outside the 16 acre site. The Museum will have a multitude of items displayed from that fateful day. They have already brought a crushed NYC yellow cab to the museum and I hear a crushed firetruck also will be part of the exhibit.

I will do my best to keep my Realtree friends updated on the goings on of the site.

The get the whole story on the memorial and Museum. Visit this site. It is the official Sept 11th Memorial site.

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