You might be a duck hunter if


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When you plan your vacation a year ahead of time to coincide with the Migration.

when Your bed sheets and comforter are in camo.

when people use the saying "**** or high water" you really understand

You paint a perfectly good looking boat Camo

You go out with friends and they find shotgun shells between the seat of your car

When your answering machince says "sorry I'm not here, I'm duck hunting"

When you have a bumper sticker that says" I'm not Drunk, I'm practicing Calling"

When you warn people not to get into waterfowling because "You go once, you can kiss your paycheck goodbye"

you get extremely emotional if ponds and swamps freeze up or thaw out.

-When there are 3 boats in the garage, and 2 new vehicles sitting in the elements.

You can play "Iron man" on your calls.

when everyone is rushing to higher ground during the big flood and your out in it hunting,loving it.

During the flood you respond to numerous rescues with your duck boat.

When my neighbors and I communicate with duck,goose calls from our porches. ( the local hounds are a big fan of this also)

When you can put Woodies, Red Heads, Big cans, and Nice honkers in the same sentence without getting snubbed by the locals

You actually enjoy testing the limits of hypothermia

Your favorite color is "CAMO"

You know what shooting a three and a half incher is, without laughing.

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Re: You might be a duck hunter if

Those are awesome!!! Here's a couple of my own!

You get questioned by College Security about "drug paraphernalia" on your front seat, when really it is just your laynard for practicing on the way to school. (I had to prove to him that they made noise)

People look at you as if you are smoking drugs in the car when practicing.

You practice on a still night, to hear the realistic echo. grin.gif

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