Proposed Oct 1. Archery opener in NY!


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Just read in my NY Outdoor news they are proposing an Oct. 1 archery opener in the southern zone for next year, awesome would that be!:o

they are also thinking about a youth deer hunt and something about maybe an early muzzeloader.

I wonder if archery would run right up to gun season like usual or if they would start it then end it earlier...Rut doesn't kick in here till end of October.

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Wow!..Ya i'd say they need to bump that up for guys are missing out on a lot of good bowhunting days

I'll 2nd that! Ours opens 10/1 and has for as long as I can remember. Seems odd to me that yours has been opening in mid October with a November rut. Sort of limits your opportunities for taking does out of the herd before the rut cranks in. Our rutting activity is just starting to crank up around mid December down here so we are granted plenty of time to thin the does out early.

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I could never understand why NY does things the way they do in regard to their North/South archery starts. Suffolk county starts Oct 1 and is farther South than the rest of the state.

New Jersey bow starts the second Saturday in September in a lot of zones for doe 1st . You can take a buck once you get a doe. Oct 1 you can shoot what you want.

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Did you see what they are doing to us up north? In 2012 we will go from only 3 Saturdays of bow season to just 2. :bang: AND! If you harvest a deer with a bow the previous year (2011) you will only get 1 Saturday to bow hunt for deer. :angry:

Enjoy your extra week down south. Looks like northern tier boys are going to pay for it.

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Did you see what they are doing to us up north? In 2012 we will go from only 3 Saturdays of bow season to just 2. :bang: AND! If you harvest a deer with a bow the previous year (2011) you will only get 1 Saturday to bow hunt for deer. :angry:

Enjoy your extra week down south. Looks like northern tier boys are going to pay for it.

unreal! is your deer population that low?

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unreal! is your deer population that low? is far from that. Some parts of the Adirondacks (high peaks area) have much lower densities but my area along the eastern shore of Lake Ontario has a very high population. Everyone assumes the northern tier of NY is all mountains.

OH! Did I mention the gun hunters get 2 MONTHS while we get 2 Saturdays. :angry: I like to gun hunt but this 1 maybe 2 Saturdays is NUTS!!

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I did not know that! that's down right retarded! if you cut down the days afield for more archery hunters and keep the same days for gun you're not going to change the deer take much at all. you will get some hunters in an uproar. it's like all the stuff going on with crossbow hunting. what kind of opportunity are you giving an individual who needs to shoot a crossbow if you tell them sure you can hunt with it, but only during gun season. some individuals of the ny dec need to get outdoors a little more.

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Theres so much more to this than just an Oct 1st opener. Like the introduction of a muzzleloading season smack dab in the middle of bow season. A Youth Gun weekend during bow season. They want to change the tagging system too. You'll get a buck tag and your two DMP's, if you don't get denied for the first DMP! Shoot your buck on opening day of bow and thats it. You're done. No buck during gun season either. We need to stand up for our rights as hunters in this state. Problem is, the politicians look at it as our privilege to hunt because it is not in the NYS Constitution that we have a right to hunt. I have to go to work now but will get back on tonight and post the details. If you're a member of New York Bowhunters, you know what I'm talking about.

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The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has released their 5-year Management Plan for Whitetail Deer in NYS 2011-2015". This plan is a recipe for the dismantling of the archery-only hunting seasons as we know them today and it will have a dramatic effect on the quality of hunting during the firearm season as well. ALL sportspersons of this state need to spread the wordvia e-mail, twitter, face book, blogs, contacts with sporting groups, sports shops, legislators and any media at their disposal.


Proposed Tag/Permit Structure - FOR THE <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />ENTIRE STATE

* eliminate all antlerless & either sex tags, therefore no tags will be issued with bow or muzzleloading licenses,

* antlerless deer can ONLY be taken with deer management permits (DMPs) in selected areas,

* the ONLY deer carcass tag that you will receive will be ONE buck tag with your big game hunting license. Once a buck is harvested its your only one and youre done. In areas with no DMPs, or a DMP is not secured via the lottery, hunters can only harvest one antlered (buck) deer. Therefore if a buck is taken during the early bow season, the regular season and muzzleloading licenses that were purchased are useless,

* expand the antler restriction (3 antler points on one side) program in the Catskill region.

Background Information

* In 2002, in compensation for a license fee increase, bowhunters received two additional carcass tags,

* In 2005, the DEC implemented regulations that took away up to 10 days and the last weekend of prime bowhunting time in November. This change allowed junior hunters to hunt on the 1st weekend of the regular season,

* In 2009, another license fee was enacted, including the addition of a $10 application fee for DMPs,

* Bowhuters have to buy two licenses in order to bow hunt (big game and archery),

* Bowhunters are paying more license/permit fees in combination with ever decreasing hunting opportunities.

Southern Zone Season Structure:

* open the archery-only season on October 1st,

* create a 3 day youth firearm season on the Columbus Day holiday weekend followed immediately by,

* a 4 day muzzleloading/bow season for antlerless deer only (including bowhunters),

* bow-only season continues through the 3rd Friday in November,

* open the regular season on the 3rd Saturday in November for 23 days (current season structure),

* a 9 day combined bow/muzzleloading season after the regular season (current season structure).

If this DEC plan is implemented, bowhunters in 2012 will only have a 5 days of uninterrupted archery-only hunting season. After the deer drives start and the guns start going off, the deer will go running, including the mature bucks that will head to their safe hiding spots until the woods calm down in late December.

The archery-only season you enjoy now will cease to exist.

Northern Zone Season Structure:

* open the archery-only season on September 27th,

* 3 day youth firearms hunt on Columbus Day holiday weekend,

* bow-only season thru the next to last Friday in October (gain 4 days with no additional weekend opportunity),

* 7 day muzzleloading/bow season (moved back one week),

* regular season opens on the last Saturday in October thru the 2nd Sunday in December (moved back one week),

* 7 day muzzleloading with bow hunting included in season.

Additional proposals:

* The DEC can modify the bow and muzzleloading seasons as it sees fit, resulting in unpredictable season structures.

* Make additional portions of the bow season, in selected areas, antlerless only (no bucks).

* Allow for the use of crossbows in ALL the hunting seasons (legislation required).

* Open a youth-only firearms hunt during the 1st weekend of the Suffolk County January firearms season.

Regular Firearm Seasons - Other than moving back the northern zone season by one week, there are no changes to the season length or tag structure, including no requirements to take only antlerless deer in any portion of the seasons!

In addition to spreading this news far and wide (including your local legislators), please contact the following, listed below. Use the enclosed letters as a blueprint for composing your own personal comments. If you choose to use the attached form letters, remember to include your address and signature at the bottom of the page of every letter you send.

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