When does your deer season start?

Ravin R10 man

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Dates haven't been posted yet Martin but assuming nothing really changes this is how I expect it to be:

Archery Season...October 1st - November 18th...There are 2 other seasons that will run during archery season...they are (1) Special Youth Gun Season...November 5th & 6th, and (2) Special Primitive Weapon Season (antlerless deer only)...November 7th - 18th.

1st Gun Season...November 19th - December 1st

Primitive Weapon Season...December 2nd - 15th

2nd Gun Season...December 16th - January 18th

Late Primitive Weapon Season...January 19th - 31st

During any Primitive Weapon Season youth hunters can hunt with any gun for any legal deer.

Just so you'll know...where I hunt in MS we usually start seeing some rutting activity during the 2nd week of December with our mean breeding date falling around January 1st.

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