Hmmmm, 30 million barrels now?


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Heard about this story earlier today. Obama said he was prepared to tap the reserves in the event of an emergency. Prices around here had fallen some 45-50 cents over the past month or so prior to this being announced, so got me to wondering just what is the "emergency" that constitutes this now?

Why else would Obama release 30 million barrels of oil from our reserves right now with the prices already slipping unless it is part of his bid to get re elected and he is attempting to overcome his slipping approval ratings? This same man said he wanted to see gas get to a point that consumers would be forced to seek alternatives and if I remember correctly said he wanted $12 or $13 a gallon gas.

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The emergency is his falling numbers in the polls. This is also a way to stimulate the economy without anyone catching on or disapproving. Our economic system needs large amounts of cash infused into it to stay afloat and this will help short term, just like cash for clunkers and the rest of the programs that eventually failed. I hear this worked for one day then oil prices went back up. Not much bang for the buck. Anyone who took economics many years ago knows that our current system is doomed to failure and the sooner we end it the less horrific the disaster will be.

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The emergency is his falling numbers in the polls. This is also a way to stimulate the economy without anyone catching on or disapproving. Our economic system needs large amounts of cash infused into it to stay afloat and this will help short term, just like cash for clunkers and the rest of the programs that eventually failed. I hear this worked for one day then oil prices went back up. Not much bang for the buck. Anyone who took economics many years ago knows that our current system is doomed to failure and the sooner we end it the less horrific the disaster will be.

Agree completely with you Mark. Obama's policies are not working, afraid you are right about extending the failure, it is only gonna be that much harder a collapse when it happens.

Why not allow more drilling? That's a win win for ALOT of people! More people working means more money being spent, means a boost to the economy. but I'm just a dumb redneck!

Yep, win win for sure Jason. Seems the majority of people in this country support the idea of more domestic drilling, that goes against the ideas of Obama and the liberals.

Think this latest move by Obama proves he will do anything to try to get re-elected, even if that means going against his own policy.

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It seems like nothing more than a ploy to try and get more votes in the next election to me. It's a band-aid for Obama. It makes zero sense to me....there is no shortage, and they are not increasing production. As they tap into the reserve and the it gets lower then what? The prices will shoot back up even higher than they already were because our reserve will be half used up. Am I missing something here?

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30 million barrels equals an 8 hour supply for the world demand. this did change the oil market, though. the saudi's took back their increased production they started, resumed normal levels of production, and oil prices have risen.

remember, obama said he's o.k. with $12.00 per gallon gas prices. he loves the killing of america.

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