Are We Really That Clueless?

m gardner

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At church last week the pastor announced that we would be getting small pallets of emergency survival rations for every family for free. It was at least a 30 day supply of a special mix of rice,soy, veggie mix that would keep you alive and healthy. Same as what we send to other countries to feed them during bad times. Many people were offended and couldn't figure out why anyone would do that. I guess that the fact our food reserves are low and the San Joaquin Valley (produces 20% of our food) is at less than 30% production because the environmentalists shut it down two years ago over irrigation water and a fish, and much of our farmland is or has been under water and ruined this year just doesn't sink in. They think because Walmart has lots of food on the shelves everything's okay. Are we really that clueless?

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Dunno Mark, hearing reports that corn should be in surplus this year and that the food shortage may not be as bad as some speculated. But yeah there are people who are pretty clueless. Same environmentalist who scream about animal treatment and hunters probably go to a fast food joint and have no clue of how the conditions are for the food that they eat.

Seriously think we need to do some canning this summer rather than freezing.

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