Why shoot a 1.5 old buck?


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The real question is, "Why should I care what someone else decides to shoot?"

Unless it's on property that you manage, own or control.................... you shouldn't.

Agreed.....That is why I am happy for any hunter for shooting any deer.....but on my property it isn't allowed except for the young hunters....

What you do on your property or public land is your choice.....I might not agree but I can still be happy for you and celebrate with you!

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Haha! I remember Steve B. pointing out that wisdom in a few of his threads a while back. It's kind of a running joke with me and a good friend (only us two bowhunt at our lease). I had him help me drag 2 does and an 8pt 2 years ago in a 3 week time frame, but when he shot one, I was always away, lol. So now I have to call him to make sure he'll be there to help me drag in advance!

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People who think they have a right to second quess what I shoot sometimes surprise me.

Like, everybody has to have the same values and "ethics"?

Is it my right to question some guys obsession with horns?

Should I harass and harangue about some people who are turning an ancient instinct and joy into a rich man's sport with their optics and gizmos and scent blocks and fancy stands and blinds? Their expensive equipment, cross country flights and their better than everyone else attitude because they have more trophy mounts on their wall?

For the record I hunt on my own land. I play by the rules. I process my own deer and share it with family and friends. I don't get to take 2 weeks off to go deer hunting. Some years I am lucky to see a deer at all. I have spent my share of wet, cold, windy, wintery days in a stand and did not get a deer.

For 35 years I used my HS graduation present from my father - a 30-30 Marlin - as my only hunting rifle and only when my eyes started to change due to age did I break down and buy a .270 with a scope.

I knocked down a lot of deer with that old 30-30 and a lot of them were does, spikes and even fawns.

And I thanked God and praised Him as much for a doe as I did for a buck.

I know this is a site that focuses on Monster Bucks. So there will be people here who think deer hunting is all about bow hunting and giant horns. That is all well and good and believe me I love the MB videos and have the last 15 years worth of them.

But that is not hunting reality to me.

Disdain for your fellow hunter because he does not share your values (if he is careful and ethical, etc) is unbecoming to a man and not good for the sport.

I say leave off the lecturing, second guessing and smugness.

We're all here to share and learn and grow as hunters.

Let that be enough.

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I live three hours from the place I hunt, so I am not able to hunt but several weekends a year. The land I hunt on is public land where the deer are very limited. We count it a great weekend if we can see four to five deer in a weekend and many times have went a whole weekend with out seeing a deer or a whole hunting season without seeing a buck. It can be very hard to pass up a young buck, when there is a great chance that it will be the only deer that you will see and possibly the only buck you will see all year. I have killed young deer in the past, but within the last five years have begun to let the young ones pass and have killed only one buck in the last three to four years. I can definitely understand those who choose to harvest young bucks

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  • 2 weeks later...
People who think they have a right to second quess what I shoot sometimes surprise me.

Like, everybody has to have the same values and "ethics"?

Is it my right to question some guys obsession with horns?

Should I harass and harangue about some people who are turning an ancient instinct and joy into a rich man's sport with their optics and gizmos and scent blocks and fancy stands and blinds? Their expensive equipment, cross country flights and their better than everyone else attitude because they have more trophy mounts on their wall?

For the record I hunt on my own land. I play by the rules. I process my own deer and share it with family and friends. I don't get to take 2 weeks off to go deer hunting. Some years I am lucky to see a deer at all. I have spent my share of wet, cold, windy, wintery days in a stand and did not get a deer.

For 35 years I used my HS graduation present from my father - a 30-30 Marlin - as my only hunting rifle and only when my eyes started to change due to age did I break down and buy a .270 with a scope.

I knocked down a lot of deer with that old 30-30 and a lot of them were does, spikes and even fawns.

And I thanked God and praised Him as much for a doe as I did for a buck.

I know this is a site that focuses on Monster Bucks. So there will be people here who think deer hunting is all about bow hunting and giant horns. That is all well and good and believe me I love the MB videos and have the last 15 years worth of them.

But that is not hunting reality to me.

Disdain for your fellow hunter because he does not share your values (if he is careful and ethical, etc) is unbecoming to a man and not good for the sport.

I say leave off the lecturing, second guessing and smugness.

We're all here to share and learn and grow as hunters.

Let that be enough.

I couldn't have said it better myself!

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Guess I kinda see 2 sides of this being a landowner who has tried to work with neighboring land leaseholders to get better quality deer only to have them continue to shoot pretty well anything that is brown.

I am not trying to push off my own goals on anyone else and I can see the reasoning in a lot of the replies given, but I am also big enough to admit it can be a bit frustrating when time after time you pass up deer only to have them get killed right after they walk off your property. Add to that the poachers killing deer like this one http://www.realtree.com/forums/deer-hunting/102601-poached-buck-mler-found-morning.html on property where you have sole permission and it goes beyond just being frustrating.

To each their own I guess, dunno if maybe I should start another thread but to kinda add to this discussion, why in places where legal would you shoot 3 or 4 young bucks, 1.5 year olds? Not talking about kids either, talking grown ups who have been hunting 15-20+ years who take a month worth of time off a year to hunt.

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To each their own I guess, dunno if maybe I should start another thread but to kinda add to this discussion, why in places where legal would you shoot 3 or 4 young bucks, 1.5 year olds? Not talking about kids either, talking grown ups who have been hunting 15-20+ years who take a month worth of time off a year to hunt.

I asked that question a few times myself William. It seems that many are in a competition with those in their circle of friends. It becomes a numbers game for these guys. Then there are those obsessed by the need to kill. I know a few people like this. Nothing gets a pass. Buck or doe. Others feel the need to fill their tags to "get their money's worth." Still others use the "have to feed my family" excuse and shoot everything they see. I know one guy with this mindset who ends up feeding his dogs with what his family won't and don't eat.

The one thing you hear most often from all of these people is, "Where are the big bucks? Kind of a no brainer, ya think? "To each there own if it is legal" is a phrase that is passed around a lot. Does it being legal make it right? More people are seeing the forest for the trees in this regard. The hard part is getting politics out of the game and going back to deer management from what has obviously become money management.

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in response to william and mike's posts that were made. i too can relate to having control over land and having the neighbors go with the "if it's brown it's down" mentality. i've talked with all the neighbors and came close to having a management plan in place for an area of around 1000 acres. one neighbor said he'd be all for it, but only if the neighbor adjacent to both of us would do it too. they shoot whatever most of the time, so the plan fell apart.

also the idea of a competition to see who can whack and stack the most deer is dumb. each deer is or was a living creature and should be respected as such. not just a part of a tally. in the area i hunt people are starting to realize it's less of a challenge to shoot 1.5 yr old deer, because they aren't as wary or keen on picking out danger yet. in areas where deer density is much much less maybe it's a challenge to stack a few yearlings, if so sure why not. i'm for hunting game in a way that, for you, presents a challenge and leaves no reason for regret. i think a lot of hunters have that mentality. their goals just differ so much that this is a long and never ending debate.

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I asked that question a few times myself William. It seems that many are in a competition with those in their circle of friends. It becomes a numbers game for these guys. Then there are those obsessed by the need to kill. I know a few people like this. Nothing gets a pass. Buck or doe. Others feel the need to fill their tags to "get their money's worth." Still others use the "have to feed my family" excuse and shoot everything they see. I know one guy with this mindset who ends up feeding his dogs with what his family won't and don't eat.

The one thing you hear most often from all of these people is, "Where are the big bucks? Kind of a no brainer, ya think? "To each there own if it is legal" is a phrase that is passed around a lot. Does it being legal make it right? More people are seeing the forest for the trees in this regard. The hard part is getting politics out of the game and going back to deer management from what has obviously become money management.

Yeah Mike it is a no brainer. I have in the past been ridiculed by co-workers when I did not kill a deer in a season. Then I kill a nice buck and they all want to know where I killed it from because they never see deer like that, my answer to them was always the same "when you shoot the first little buck that comes along chances are you never know what else might be coming around".

Personally in most cases if I can shoot em with the video camera I probably could have shot them with what I am hunting with. I just cannot see the fun in tagging out on dumb young bucks that you may see a handful or more of when you know an area is capable of producing better.

And you are right on the numbers, for some what is legal is not enough. I know of guys I once worked with who I disassociated myself with who probably to this day get away with tagging deer other people just so they can keep stacking up the deer. I just don't get that. And yes, those are the same guys who complain "there are no big deer around".

in response to william and mike's posts that were made. i too can relate to having control over land and having the neighbors go with the "if it's brown it's down" mentality. i've talked with all the neighbors and came close to having a management plan in place for an area of around 1000 acres. one neighbor said he'd be all for it, but only if the neighbor adjacent to both of us would do it too. they shoot whatever most of the time, so the plan fell apart.

also the idea of a competition to see who can whack and stack the most deer is dumb. each deer is or was a living creature and should be respected as such. not just a part of a tally. in the area i hunt people are starting to realize it's less of a challenge to shoot 1.5 yr old deer, because they aren't as wary or keen on picking out danger yet. in areas where deer density is much much less maybe it's a challenge to stack a few yearlings, if so sure why not. i'm for hunting game in a way that, for you, presents a challenge and leaves no reason for regret. i think a lot of hunters have that mentality. their goals just differ so much that this is a long and never ending debate.

I agree completely. For some in some places there probably is a challenge to killing any deer and I fully respect that, don't think the original question was intended to slam anyone in those type situations and certainly not my intent to in anyway denigrate anyone in my replies in regards to their goals.

Just my own perspective, but I would rather have one memorable hunt/deer where I may have had to work and or be patient for the animal rather than having several kills that may not be as memorable for the lack of challenge. That said I won't deny it is nice being lucky sometimes too and for things to fall into place just like you plan.

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Yes it is.....And I am please and shocked to see we have went 5 pages and its not locked or some mod/admin member has told us to calm down.

Kudos to all!!! I have enjoyed the discussion thus far!

Yep...for the most part anyway. Seems like a few feathers were ruffled but it's been pretty civil so far. I am a little surprised though that anyone would think (and others agree) if you spend $ on better optics, comfortable stands, take road trip hunts, and have some nice trophies on the wall that you are guilty of having a better than anyone else attitude. Granted there are some out there like that but the vast majority that have and do those things with their $ don't have that attitude at all. I understand that was probably more venting than anything else though.

To each their own I guess, dunno if maybe I should start another thread but to kinda add to this discussion, why in places where legal would you shoot 3 or 4 young bucks, 1.5 year olds? Not talking about kids either, talking grown ups who have been hunting 15-20+ years who take a month worth of time off a year to hunt.

I don't know the answer to that question William. I do know of some (I'm not saying anyone here on this site) that are eat up with bragging on their kill numbers. You get 3 bucks here in MS and the regs were changed a couple of years ago to protect all 1.5 year old bucks. When I posted a thread showing the new regs, my agreement with them, and the reasons the state made that change I was pretty surprised with many responses here. Well really shocked the way the majority of the members here blasted John (redkneck) & I simply because John & I agreed with what the state deer biologist accomplised with that change and why they did it.

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I have in the past been ridiculed by co-workers when I did not kill a deer in a season.

That is one thing right there that I cannot stomach well at all. I deal with that almost on a yearly basis. Its been 2 years since I killed my last deer. In the last 3 years I have drawn my bow twice, and put the cross hairs of my scope once, on a big mature whitetail buck. The last was the biggest buck I have ever seen from the stand. All three times a clean, clear, ethical shot opportunity never presented itself. I pass countless little bucks and does every year. Then after season is over people want to know if I killed a deer and I tell them no. They cant believe it and start telling me about the 4 deer they killed, all usually young deer.

They actually think they have topped my hunting season and think I dont know how to deer hunt. Really?? I hold myself to higher standards than most of the hunters I know. I shoot less deer and they think I honestly am a bad deer hunter. Its alright though because I enjoy the way I hunt even though I dont kill many deer. If it takes me 5 years to kill one really big buck, to me thats worth it. I also know some of those guys would drool all over themselves if they could see some of the deer I pass LOL

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