she did me in

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mother nature that is, you want to know what dry is, i went and checked my foodplot today, it was so dead that i could pick up a hand full of the extrem and roll it in my hands and it would look like i could roll a cigarette with it, it just crumbled in my hands, so my spring food plots was a bust, now the thing is will the furt and lime that i put in it last till fall, or do i have to do every thing from scratch again?

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I would think the fertilizer and lime would still be effective. I'd wait it out, spray any weeds which grow, till lightly and replant in the fall.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Weird season this year. Everything up here is nearly a month behind because of the rain. We are all scrambling trying to decide what and when to plant.

Good luck,


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The lime will be good depending on what kind. If its the real fine powder it will last a good 3 years typicaly and fertilizer should be good. The nitrogen will be lower because it breaks down faster thats why you put nitrogen down on corn during the growing season because it uses alot more nitrogen but soybeans will put some nitrogen back into the ground but you should have no issues. I have had to replant soybeans before and never had to put anything down.

Alot of times if you put grainul lime down it will last 5 years but thats usually the rule of thumb. But now we plant corn and soybeans so we are putting more fertilizer down witch will eventually make the ground more acidic. Depending on the food plot size you can get a soild test done for about $10 acre. It may be worth it becuase you may not even need the lime and not nearly as much fertilizer as you may think. You can tell them what you are planting and they can recomend wheather or not you need anything.

Also the soil type will make a diffrence on what you need to put down. Alot of clay soil may require more lime and or fertilizer. But I would not worrie about anything until next spring.

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