Edge Evolution?

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Anyone have experience with these units? I'd love to hear what ya thought about it if you did/do. Mine is due to arrive tomorrow from UPS. I'm looking for a bit of extra power when pulling my trailer around the country....and ya I'm anxious to see how much she breaks loose with the high octane Xtreme setting.

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No, I own a gas burner, I would not spend my money on it for a gas burner. I have had a few buddies buy them for their ford f250 and chevy 2500. Were not impressed and they were returned, later to be replaced with another edge chip for a diesel that both guys bought. Edge makes a great product but a chip for a gas burner will not give anywhere close to the effects that they do on a diesel that everyone with a gas burner seems to think it will.

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I guess it's all in what your looking for....I wasn't expecting a ton of HP. I was looking more for less torque management and better fuel economy towing. I installed it today quite easily. I ran it on the economy setting and also gave the extreme setting a try. Immediately I noticed much stiffer shifting which I absolutely love. No lag in power....it just runs through the gears like a duramax. As for feeling any power difference in the economy setting.....not a bit.

Now when I set it to Extreme I could tell a definite difference. Not so much on top end speed, but definitely on take off. I know your probably thinking my butt dyno was just imagining it, but I have tried to do a burnout a few times and had zero success. GM has all but made it impossible with the torque suppression. Well with the Edge....I just tap the gas in Extreme mode ( Level 4 ) and she will light em up big time. I don't see no 40HP as claimed, but I feel that there has to be a pretty decent increase....maybe 10-15. For me that, along with the better shifting makes it worth the money. Now time will tell the story on the fuel economy savings. From what I've read it's minimal to none....1-2MPG. But I'll take what I can get.

Oh and taking the speed limiter off was nice too. Who knew that these things would do 120 mph lol?

It's has a 1/4 drag time on it....I'd like to find a safe place and run it on the stock setting, econ setting, and extreme setting and see if it shows a difference.

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