Not guilty?


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I think it's terrible. I also think in the days of CSI, and all these forensic shows that juries are spoiled. There's not always going to be hard forensic evidence no matter how far the technology goes. 20 years ago she would have been found guilty IMHO. The kid was murdered and her mother partied on, that was enough for me.

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The trial showed that we still have constitutional rights. Right to a speedy and fair trail and Innocent until proven guilty.

The prosecution screwed it big time. Should not have gone for 1st degree and death. They should have also waited a little longer before going to trial, but on the same hand, thats the fair and speedy trial right.

There is no justice for the kid, but to me there is a little restored faith in our judicial system.

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I think she is in some way responsible, whether it was intentional or not, dunno. The kid was not reported missing for a month after she was gone, come on.

Agree with Don, disgusting sums it up. Our system is supposed to work, unfortunate that it sometimes fails and think this is a perfect example of the system failing. I do think the prosecution aimed to high on their charges with what they had for evidence as well, should have gone for negligent homicide or some other negligence charge.

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I think she is in some way responsible, whether it was intentional or not, dunno. The kid was not reported missing for a month after she was gone, come on.

Agreed. I didnt keep up with it a whole lot but from what I do know they didnt have anything to prove murder or accident. I wouldnt want to see anyone do life in prison on circumstantial evidence. That could put an innocent person in prison just the same as a guilty one. She still deserved to do some time regardless.

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This is all that's been on the news here in Central Fl. for months.. I said early on, unless she confessed they wouldn't be able to convict her. The sheriff's office really messed up the investigation by not diligently following up on the report by the meter reader back in August. I have no doubt that Caylee died at the hands of Casey A. whether intentional or by accident we won't know. She was elated to have her gone though and in the end, she will be Judged....

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One of the jurors is talking, she basically said "not guilty does not mean innocent", she said they did not have enough to convict her on the charges they tried.

she will most surely face the Judge one of these fine years. God knows what happened.

Best reply I have seen right there.:yes:

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I did not follow the case much and I don't know if she killed her kid. However, I do know her actions were not those of a person that holds the title of mother. There was enough evidence to show she should never again hold the title of mother. A bilateral ovary removal should do it.

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I tried not to watch much about it.

But from what I did see, I think she's guilty as sin. But the prosecution completely blew it.

I feel the jury did what they had to do considering the (lack of) hard physical evidence.

"Disgusting" about sums it up.

Exactly. She completely did it, but unfortunately the prosecution was a lame duck to say the least. Also they went after maximum punishment which meant they had to completely prove everything. 2nd or 3rd degree probably would have gotten the conviction.

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