How's everyone's gardens doing??

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My garden is doing awesome by growing as fast as the critters are eating. I was hoping I didn't have to put up a fence, but I'm headed to tractor supply to get some poultry netting to keep them out.

How's your gardens doing? the "food plots"/gardens should be showing a bit of growth by now.

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Will try to get some pics and post em. Put up probably 20 lbs of green beans last week, they are just starting, will have probably 3 times as much ready this weekend. Picked some corn a little early, will be picking the rest of it this weekend. Lima beans and tomatoes and peppers should be ready to start picking soon.

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ours is a total lost, we did get 3, 1 gal bags of squash, but every thing else is just dead. had 52 tomatoe plants, maybe got a meal of fried green tomatoes but now there just dead stalks, we dug a few potatoe plants up to see what there doing out of the 3 plants we got 2 new patotoes about the size of a 50 cent piece, we just gave up on it this year.

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We actually did a little flower pot garden on the back patio this year. It's mostly to give the kids something to do, but it turned out pretty good. We have two large pots of lettuce, which we've been eating on for a few weeks now. One big pot of radishes , and one tomatoe plant that has about 20 green tomatoes on it. For some reason our carrots didn't grow at all. It's small, but easy to take care of and adds some good color to dress up the back patio. When I want a salad with my backstrap I just go out the back door and have all the fixins' right there.:beer:

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looks good william! i should've put up a fence from the start. mines a little behind compared to yours. i planted back on memorial day.

Without a fence the coons would clean us out. I should have picked all our corn last weekend. Timewise it was not supposed to be ready yet, have had plenty of rain here so far this year, think I watered maybe 2 or 3 total times and that was real early on. Only down side to the rain was seemed it rained the day after or night of pretty well everytime I sprayed the corn with sevin.

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I always keep a little patch at the end of my house (as much as I can put in the only sunny spot I have). Been ugly this year, tomatoes just seemed to have reached a stopping point, got running beans with blooms all over that are taller than I can pick and no beans yet, peppers not really putting on, okra seems slow, and squash just quit on me.

Maybe it's the heat, dont know, but things have sure slowed down last 3 weeks or so.

Our other garden we plant with the tractor with pop showed more promise, but the deer and coons have had more out of it than we have. They even ate the tomato plants when they were set out, I don't think I've ever seen that before.

Edited by redkneck
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Ours isn't doing too badly.

Gonna have onions (5 varieties) out the gazoo. Kohlrabis are doing very well while right beside them the broccoli is making bionic plants but no florets. Carrots got whooped by weeds early. But they are coming back, somewhat. Hard to weed little carrots without pulling them all out. Peppers and tomatoes are spindly. But I just got to ring them with fertilizer & hoe it in today. We'll see where they go. Watermelon vines are doing well........fertilized them, too. And a volunteer pumpkin from where we tossed out the kids jack-o-lanterns last year will supply us a couple carving punkins this year. I had to take the hoe to about 4 of its runners today. Was taking over the garden. Radishes and spinach are about done.......going to seed.

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First plot of corn (Ambrosia) just silked. Other 3 plots are coming along. Been harvesting 3 to 6 zucchini on a daily basis for about a week now. Got some wax beans harvested. 2 pickings of snow peas, the other planting blossoming. 2 or 3 squashes putting on fruit. No sign of pumpkins, but they are vining. Cantaloupe and watermelons starting to vine. Cukes have a few little pickles growing. 1 tomato not doing too good, the other 3 are coming along. Peppers have a few on them, but small right now. Basil and sage going berserk. Parsley and rosemary coming along nicely. Taters are going to be stellar. Grabbed a few news yesterday, boiled them, tossed them over butter, and rosemay last night. Can't wait for the corn, it's my favorite.

What variety of corn is that William?

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What variety of corn is that William?

Peaches and cream. Between the wind and hail surprised we had as much corn. Gave away a couple dozen ears, not sure how much we put up but was quite a bit, rest and the stalks going to the cows. Probably should have picked it all the weekend of the 4th.

Put up probably about 30 lbs of contenders(green beans) yesterday. They are really producing heavy, on ground that had not been planted before. Lima beans should be ready real soon. Zipper peas should also be coming in real soon, also on new ground and are doing great.

Watermelon and cucumbers were old seed, but did get a few cucumber plants and have a few cucumbers getting close.

Pumpkins from one the kids decorated last year that I tossed the seeds in mounds have tons of blooms and tons of little pumpkins.

Tomatoes getting close, should be making salsa soon. One of my favorites.:yes:

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I notice you have 2 of your wire strands pretty close together. I have 3 also, but my middle one is about 2' off the ground. I had at least one coon and one skunk get in last year. Didn't do much damage, but I'm putting mine up today.

Thoughts? Think I should move that middle strand down a little?

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I notice you have 2 of your wire strands pretty close together. I have 3 also, but my middle one is about 2' off the ground. I had at least one coon and one skunk get in last year. Didn't do much damage, but I'm putting mine up today.

Thoughts? Think I should move that middle strand down a little?

I think so Chris, 2 feet is too high imo. I like my second strand and bottom one to be 4-5 inches apart. Think my middle strand is usually somewhere around a foot or so off the ground.

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I think so Chris, 2 feet is too high imo. I like my second strand and bottom one to be 4-5 inches apart. Think my middle strand is usually somewhere around a foot or so off the ground.

I think I might run 4 strands.

Do you run a continuous wire, or do you splice 3 individual strands? If you splice, could you take a picture of it? I ran a continuous strand last year and it's pretty tough to do, but you never have to worry about grounding issues.

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Do you run a continuous wire, or do you splice 3 individual strands? If you splice, could you take a picture of it? I ran a continuous strand last year and it's pretty tough to do, but you never have to worry about grounding issues.

LOL. I guess I am kinda cheap when it comes to wire Chris. My wire is just tied together, continuous. I reuse it year after year and just roll it back onto a spool and also pull my t posts before ever discing the next season. The wire is so easy to tie together it is not much of a deal really, done it for so many years it usually takes me less than an hour to drive my posts and run my wire. I never end up with everything exactly the same, garden moves one way or another. Basically for continuous run all you have to do is loop, can go from an insulator to insulator on the same t post. Will try to get a pic for you.

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Thanks William. The boys and I ran the wire yesterday. This year's fence is bigger, so I had to tie the wire together. I see from an internet reference, I did it wrong, lol. Couldn't remember if you tie a square or just loop them, I thought loop, but that's wrong according to this reference. Eventually I'll encompass the whole garden, but I'll need about 20 more T-posts for that.

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Thanks William. The boys and I ran the wire yesterday. This year's fence is bigger, so I had to tie the wire together. I see from an internet reference, I did it wrong, lol. Couldn't remember if you tie a square or just loop them, I thought loop, but that's wrong according to this reference. Eventually I'll encompass the whole garden, but I'll need about 20 more T-posts for that.

Don't think there really is a right or wrong when it comes to tying wire Chris, so long as it holds together it should be fine. Some people twist it to itself, I usually make a loop and loop it through and twist it back. Only places I have ever really had any trouble is where deer have hit the wire in the back near the bottom of the hill and busted insulators.

I tie mine on to the fence in my pasture, that part stays there all the time and is always on when I have my animals in that pasture. Takes some time out by not having to route a wire to my charger. Charger stays in the shed.

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