Corn Prices?


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here are the futures quoted near here;

USDA has adjusted the calculations of LDP data.

Click here for more information.

DeliveryCash PriceFutures MonthFutures PriceFutures ChangeBasis

Jul 31, 2011 6.72 time.gif



-0.15 Aug 31, 2011 6.77 time.gif 686'6


-0.10 Sep 30, 2011 6.82 time.gif



-0.05 Oct 31, 2011 6.20 time.gif



-0.60 Nov 30, 2011 6.10 time.gif



-0.70 Dec 31, 2011 6.15 time.gif



-0.65 Jan 31, 2012 6.18 time.gif 691'6


-0.74 Feb 29, 2012 6.21 time.gif



-0.71 Mar 31, 2012 6.24 time.gif 691'6

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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When I used to hunt a 12 acre plot in an urban area I put out corn otherwise we never had many deer on the property. Now last year I put out 2 corn feeders on a large farm that grows beans and the deer ate up the corn but they never came looking for it and would walk by it at will without stopping. I have mineral blocks out on the farm this year for trail cams and it seems to help but most likely will not use any corn this year.

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Call me crazy but with the price of corn and soybeans I went out and bought 25 acres of hayfield. Then I found a farmer that would pay $125 acre to row crop it. So not only do I get my taxes paid but I also get free corn for the deer! Okay, truth is I didn't want anyone moving in on my hunting ground or building there so I bought it. However, it does do all that for me and I rent the house out for almost the loan payment. If I keep decent renters for 15 years then it is paid for in rent money!

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