Very sad night for me


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I just got off the phone with a hunt camp member and I was told of one of our young members (18) took his life this week.........I watched this kid grow up every year...saw him after he took his first deer...he was a football star...and yet he turned a gun on himself.....I have tears in my eyes as I type this very sad....hug your kids...always tell them there is nothing we can not talk about and work out......R.I.P. Mark my young friend.

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So sorry to hear this Muff. Prayers for you, the family and all his other friends. I've been through this once before myself with an old friend that did the same thing. I still miss him. I'll never completely understand why he did it but I've come to the accept that you can't make sense out of an irrational act.

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So sorry to hear that Joe. Mental medical issues can trigger that, I went through that a couple years ago, got diagnosed with bi-polar and when i was on the depressed side, those thoughts were racing through my head too. Luckily my parents helped me through and I got on the right medication, have felt great for over 2 years now!

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So sorry for the family. I have seen and felt the pain of suicide in my family, had a close friend lose his son by the same circumstances that your 18 year old friend took his life by and had a work colleague take his life at work in the room next to me the day before New Years Eve, 3 years ago. There is finality for the victim, but life long pain for those surviving them. The hardest part for me was trying to understand the "WHY" of it all. Life is so precious and our time here is already so short.


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