Too Hot to Practice?


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That's life down here in MS. If you're going to practice at all you have to deal with it. The only time I can stand practicing is in the morning. I've been shooting every morning lately but I have to because I'm heading to Namibia, Africa on July 30th. Can't wait! Their winter weather will be a welcome break from Mississippi's August heat too.

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It seems like it's been upper 90's and 100's for two weeks straight around here. High of 102 in the forecast for today. I'm going to start going to the bow shop and shoot at their indoor range. After spending all day working in a hot fabrication shop the last thing on my mind when I get home is going out back shooting. I haven't even touched my bow for about two months now...I need to get on the ball.

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  redkneck said:
Dang skippy! Too hot to fish, so you know it's too hot to practice :D

Dang John! At least you can play in the shade practicing...can't hardly do that fishing. My golf game suffers this time of the year for the same reason...playing in the shade.;)

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  m gardner said:
...But on the good side it sure does melt the string wax into the string nicely.

Nice! Haven't made it to the last few. Too much going on.

Answering the thread:

Haven't Practiced in full gear yet, obviously. I've been shooting throughout the spring and summer though. On good days, I'm shooting 2.5" groups now at 50 yards with the new bow, so I'm starting to get used to it.

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Tried it a few weekends ago here in Buda, Tx after buying three new arrows from Archery Country in Austin. It was hot, but thought with the new arrows I'd be motivated after not shooting for almost six months. I shoot in groups of three so on the third round I told myself to shoot for the nock, even though the other guy in my head told me not too. Well, I didn't listen and shot my second Robin Hood. Darn! Didn't mean to do that. I guess in the end I figured, if I'm that close, no need to continue practicing. I'm waiting until it cools off to start practicing again. Oh well.

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