what I saw!

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

I hit the woods last night for a nice evening hunt. I planed on setting up on a ridge line that looked over a revine and on the other side wes an area that got timbered 2 years ago (this is a good beding area now) well the wind was blowing from me to the beding area (love sent-lock). I have seen a few rubs and scrapes latly, so I figured I try a bit of tinks 69 along with some grunting and doe bleets. well at 6:30 I here a crashing sound down in the revine (right after I used the grunt!) any how I looked and saw 2 deer. I could not tell what they were, cause of in getting dark. well as they start heading up the hill I stood up and got redy. in hopes they head my way. they never got any closer then 50 yards, and payed no attion to my grunts or bleets. oh they also walked over the drag line and payed no attion to that! any how as fast as they came in they were gong. but I did get a good look at the first one. it was huge! in fact, the largest one I have ever seen on hoof. it was twice the size of the other deer. I'm guessing it had to go 180 lbs. this lead me to beleve I was looking at a buck. along with body size, is postering and a saging back, told me he was an older "shoter" buck. I'm going to relocate a stand where he came thru on sunday and hope the wind is right so I can get a crack at him with my bow. the early black powder starts next thurs (Oct. 21) so I'm hoping to get a crack at him before then.

what a deer! I'm pumped! grin.gifgrin.gif


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